Yes, he is “a danger for Mexico.” And Claudia, too

6 min readAug 24, 2024


The sword of Damocles threatens the heads of the citizens. Of all. The same is true for the so-called fifís and those known as chairos. Andrés Manuel López Obrador did turn out to be “a danger for Mexico.” Together with who will be his successor, Claudia Sheinbaum , they are destroying him.

Even the chairos are losing, believing they won. They deceived them with the truth.

Dismantling the Judicial Branch as we know it, to establish another that is the product of a raffle is a macabre joke that eliminates the necessary counterweights between the Powers of the Union. Eliminating autonomous constitutional bodies means granting the Executive dictatorial power. Handing over public security to the Ministry of National Defense is suicidal.

Yes, the danger for Mexico exists. And unfortunately, it is the only thing there is.

And like Carlos Salinas, at the time, neither the current nor the next President does not see or hear society or the global financial markets. The warning is clear: the country will lose investments, sources of employment, and “the poor first” will be the ones who are going to suffer.

This is the six-year period in which we Mexicans have lived in danger. The next one will be too.

López Obrador’s actions far exceed everything that those who created the catchy mantra “it is a danger for Mexico” imagined would happen!

There were many of us who did not believe it, including the writer, since we attributed the phrase to those who since 2000, when he became head of the government of the then DF, had been affected by it in one way or another.

And so, in 2018, we did not believe that, once he came to power, he would cancel the already advanced construction of the NAIM, supposedly because of the corruption that prevailed in the work and in the surrounding land… And he canceled it!

We did not believe that it would leave women, especially mothers, without childcare centers and without medication for their seriously ill children… And it left them helpless!

Nor did we believe that he was going to leave the delicate task of national security to the military, which, as he had promised, would return them to the barracks… And, on the contrary, he empowered them economically and politically… and greater violence was unleashed!

We never believed that it would leave the public health systems, or the school infrastructure, without resources, nor that it would allow the roads, the capital’s Metro, the AICM, the drainage and drinking water systems to deteriorate… And it diverted billions of dollars! pesos to their flagship works, pharaonic, useless, and forever subsidized!

We are gullible

We believed that those who fantasized then, in 2018, I repeat, predicted that he would be an authoritarian President, who would attack all those who did not bend to his whims, who did not believe his “other data”, the same as the media. those of us who work in them… And every day he lets out a stream of insults, disqualifications and lies to try and fail to silence them!

We did not believe that, as a fighter for democracy as he had always presented himself, he was going to weaken, attack, even disappear the democratic institutions that he had already once told to hell… And there is the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, the INE, the INAI and several more autonomous constitutional bodies to deny our childish belief!

Critical of the management of public finances during the previous six-year terms, we did not believe that he would be the one who contracted more foreign debt than any of his predecessors… And there he is breaking the record of loans contracted with international usurers who, everything indicates, we will never stop paying! !

We believed, yes, that he would sweep away corruption from the top down… And there at the top of the Administration are his robber friends, like Ignacio Ovalle in Segalmex, and many others in all government agencies, as well as his sons Andy and Bobby , peddling influence in favor of his intimates, diverting public funds, auctioning the most juicy supply and public works contracts to friends!

The worst thing is that there are still those who believe that the public health system will soon be not like that of Denmark, but not even better.

We are gullible.

The events destroyed our credulity in López Obrador.

Jauja it’s over!

And the man dedicated his six-year term to colluding with major criminals, who allegedly financed his political campaigns and with whom, also apparently, his family and friends would have carried out business deals.

His desire for bestial enrichment, his determination to decisively convert us into a Cuban or Venezuelan colony, his hatred towards all democratic content, his illusion of continuing to reign alone, crushing the lives of more than 120 million Mexicans.

End of six-year term. And although they say that a “velvet transition” has occurred, the truth is that the slaughter is about to fall on their necks.

The four men in power are an insult to intelligence. Their arguments are outdated, raw from a bloody hangover and impotent to defend the reality that overwhelms us. They resort to ghosts to remind the people of their barbarities and inconsistencies in the exercise of command. Repression, blood, torture, prison, riots, and merciless execution, in the name of robbery and money, is in short, the balance of the fateful night of its history.

The surrender and protection of all types of dictatorships — the Russian, the Chinese, the North Korean and, of course, the Caribbean and Latin American ones — have no limits. AMLO and his closest followers long for authoritarianism and dictatorship, but they refuse to pronounce his name. They go to the pun in the desert, to incriminate themselves, in exchange for someone supporting them, moved by a memory that never existed. But Jauja is over, it is no longer possible, even if they invoke it.

They believe they are good consciences drowned in the recklessness provided by corruption, impunity and immunity, concepts of gunmen who are about to be destroyed from their base.

They miss the dictatorship

The reality is that neither in its promises nor in its political horizon can we envision a State of Law, neither corporate, nor authoritarian, nor populist, even if it is left-wing. No. Today what they offer is institutional catatonia, the dismantling of structures and the pulverization of productive lines.

To those who dare to review the contracts, concessions and missteps granted behind the people’s backs, in the dark, all the rigor of their outdated arguments. The FIU against them.

To those who want to create a government program that is based on the development of the internal market and food independence, all the hatred of Morenoism, fascist and corrupting.

Everything must be said and promised if it is a lie. Nothing that threatens the way of life of the one percent of Mexicans favored by abuse. Screw the rest, the immense and suffering majorities, after all, that’s what they were taught what power is for.

They long to return to the Diazordacist gorilla and the Echeverrist whim, both from the previous century, it is their crazy illusion that failed beforehand. But to get there you must kill her father who built it. That’s what demagoguery is all about. It is the paste of the naive dreams of those chosen by the Cuban and Venezuelan bureaucracies, supported by the national reserves of the border guards…

…emboldened because from one moment to the next the absolute militarization of the National Guard will be applied, which is what it serves: to repress anyone who thinks against the usual establishment. The dynasties even if they have no reason or arguments.

Every man for himself!

Both, López Obrador and Sheinbaum, are a danger for Mexico.


In mid-February, magnate Carlos Slim assured that for the first time “there is a division” between the Executive Branch, headed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and the Judicial Branch. Do you remember that the Executive and the Judiciary were ever as they are now? “Questioned the businessman. In an exceptionally long press conference, held in the Grupo Inbursa auditorium, Slim Helú pointed out that although there are ideological differences with the Mexican president, these have been communicated to him, he also stated that they will talk when the six-year term ends. Division? No, Mr. Slim. Confrontation! * * * That’s all for today. Receive my recognition for having read up to these lines. And as always, I wish you good thanks and many, many days!




Written by pacorodriguez

Periodista. Blande el Índice. Señala. Propone. Journalist. Brandishes the index finger. Points. Proposes.

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