Xóchitl and Claudia did not attend the debate

5 min readApr 11, 2024


This Sunday, April 7, the candidates Xóchitl Gálvez and Claudia Sheinbaum were expected to participate in the first presidential debate. They did not attend.

Their place was taken by a nervous Santiago Creel Miranda and an always lying Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The expectation was that the opposition candidate would appear before her opponents and in front of the television cameras with the spark, the sharp and stinging statements that characterize her. And she wasn’t there. The person who arrived was hesitant, distracted by reviewing cards, reading them incorrectly and even showing a couple of images upside down.

The official candidate arrived at the other corner to brandish deceptions and the “other data” from the National Palace matinees, without even flinching at the accurate descriptions of being cold and heartless, a real “Ice Lady,” as Gálvez described her. in one of its rare moments of authenticity.

Both candidates arrived overtrained by their political marketing advisors. The nervousness of the woman from Hidalgo was because she was forced to stick to a script — the cards, then — which took away from her naturalness. The woman from the capital continued masked behind an AMLO mask and followed to the letter what she was ordered to say from the main Zócalo building in the national capital.

Neither Gálvez nor Sheinbaum were themselves.

That is why none of them truly attended the first presidential debate, poorly executed by the INE of the four-time Guadalupe Taddei.

And now yes. To rethink strategies. The time has come to give it everything. And the Morenistas paint themselves for invectives and film noir stories. Before the next campaign debate they guard their weapons, knowing in advance that they need bazookas, projectiles, mortars, mud, manure and everything that is required to try to stop the rise of the standard bearer of civil society, as well as of the PAN, of the PRI and the PRD, while its own remains stagnant and begins to decline in the preferences of the electorate.

AMLO’s “Plan C”, whatever the cost

And from there, the foreseeable: reinforcing the fraudulent machinery for purchasing credentials, threats, complicities of electoral officials and magistrates, stories of the hard vote that no longer exists, wholesale gifts of money, credits, promises, devices of raccoons and public forces, armed and public security, as well as the pampered criminal groups to see if in one of those they can believe that they win on June 2. Even if no one believes them, that is the least important thing to them.

All, before AMLO recognizes his guilt and judicial responsibility in all the prodigious acts of corruption and premeditated massacres. All, before he can be tried before ordinary courts for his muddy six-year period of blood, money and plotted and punishable collusion.

Everything, to carry out your “Plan C”, at whatever price, dragging the blanket you want, spending up to the last fifth of our squeezed pockets, laughing aloud at national and international opinion, dragging the name of Mexico before any court of public conscience.

Dante Delgado, icon of “old politics”

In the hands of illustrious PRI members, such as Liébano Sáenz, who was private secretary of the presidency of Ernesto Zedillo , is the file that directly incriminates the truculent and bipolar Dante Delgado Rannauro, gray matter of the other participant in the debate, Jorge (Álvarez) Máynez , in the sense that his imprisonment during that regime was not for his patriotic fight in favor of the people of Veracruz…

…but for the theft of the five billion pesos that he could never justify, destined for the pacification of Chiapas, during the San Cristóbal las Casas conflict. And, furthermore, that his stay in the Pacho Viejo prison was not the most unbearable, but rather he allowed himself to spend more time with his custodian, a Huasteco lawyer who accompanied him, morning, afternoon, day, and night. .

Dante Delgado always alleged that this money had been used to renovate the sea wall of Puerto Jarocho and to build the aquarium in that town. That he was a political prisoner due to his bizarre opposition to Zedillo, when the reality was a vulgar embezzlement of billions of pesos on the national budget.

The argument in question relates that when the afflicted wife of the felon from Veracruz arrived in Pacho Viejo with a platoon of effective short lawyers, carrying in hand the presidential pardon and the official documents that only required her signature to leave the prison, Dante made her face off. head and told him: “don’t worry, Tere , this is in the President’s hands. Don’t do anything anymore.”

The people, tired of so much filth

A cataract of filth is about to emerge that will have no parallel or comparison with anything that has been seen until now.

The objective is not to respect the will of the citizens, but to horrify all consciences to convince them that the best thing is to abstain, not to vote. Let everything continue as it is today.

They are capable of that and more. They have no bottom or limit.

They are determined to turn national life into a filthy pigsty, before someone demands accountability, transparency, and acceptable minimums of governance.

Decorum and shame are tales of the past. What must reign is the Moche, drug trafficking and massacre.

What they don’t know is that the people understand their messages. He is tired of so much filth and disgraceful business. He is sick and tired of the fact that the so-called 4T politicians are condemning him to hunger and misery.

It’s time to change, no matter what.‎ They’re out of song.

Everyone to vote!


The Mexican rulers of recent years must be judged exemplary. Even more so those of the last five that have materially devastated the country. That is a premise that does not allow delay and almost no procedure. It is a matter judged by the court of public conscience. You receive general approval every time you undergo any query. However, although this is an issue of the highest priority, importance, and urgency, it should not be overemphasized. It must be part of a broader and more effective process. Exhausting the solution in the constitution of a Robespierre -style Public Health Committee would run the risk of confronting factions and interests in a civil brawl, as has happened in other countries. Recent history has shown in other latitudes that the dog must be killed while the cause of rabies is eliminated. Doing it any other way is naive and counterproductive. It is a profoundly serious matter that does not end in a prison execution, banishment, or wall. ‎It must be a strategic measure, in every sense of the word. * * * And that’s all for today. I recognize that you have reached these last lines of the Political Index. And, as always, I wish you good thanks and many, many days!





Written by pacorodriguez

Periodista. Blande el Índice. Señala. Propone. Journalist. Brandishes the index finger. Points. Proposes.

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