The López Beltrán lizards

7 min readJan 16, 2024


Porfirio Díaz controlled the aristocratic families by attracting the juniors of the powerful — the famous “lagartijos” or lizards — to the quick and easy money from the unobstructed procedures of the electricity, oil, henequen, mining, and railway companies. He turned them into coyotes at the service of bosses from beyond the borders.

Many years later the López Beltrán lizards play the same role. They trade influence, they enrich themselves and thus the economically powerful control the presidential family.

Grupo Carso, of Carlos Slim, and Mota-Engill, of José Miguel Bejos, can ask and do what they want, thanks to the business they have agreed to do with the youngest of the sons of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, nicknamed El Bobby, but baptized as Gonzalo.

The same goes for many oil companies whose headquarters are based in Houston, Texas, due to the contracts they have obtained through the wife of El Jota Erre, the eldest of the trio: José Ramón.

And what do the dozens of companies that have obtained contracts and benefits, overdue payments that they thought they would no longer recover, do not owe to El Andy, thanks to the influence peddling of the second of AMLO’s sons, his namesake Andrés Manuel? ?

Lizards or “lagartijos”, the fact is that the López Beltrán trio, including his own father, have placed the Federal Administration in an easily blackmailable role.

And that is not only because of those who have facilitated their enrichment, even by foreign government agencies that are invariably aware of everything that happens here that could affect what they call their “national security.”

And the López Beltrán are a risk factor because, due to their ambition, they can be co-opted by Russians or Chinese, antagonists for the moment of our northern neighbors.

Remember if this is not the case when, for example, the Sonoran governments, triumphant in the Revolution that began in 1910, bent down to sign the Treaties of Bucareli, thanks to which the Obregonistas were recognized, lined them with money and weapons against their adversaries. .

And be careful, because in the DNA of Mexican governments, whether colonial, independentist, centralist, federalist, revolutionary or even “transformative,” there has been the seal of genuflection before strangers and imposition of harsh penalties on natives.

I doubt that the AMLOs and their offspring know this. What is notable is that their voracious and predatory actions respond to irremediable genetic defects that in them reach the level of the strident. It cannot be explained in any other way, since they have never read a single book, by their own admission.

Don’t shake hands with AMLO’s children

The Fourth Transformation is unmasked. AMLO, Morena, the Cuatroteros in general lend to the corrupt. They raise altars to the useless. They protect the minions. They burn incense to the predators of the country. They are malinches, in the worst sense of that expression that is so common to us.

In the case of the López Beltrán there is almost no one to shake their hand, for fear of losing their rings, watches, family portraits and even their fingers.

‎The abandonment of industrial and commercial activities in the country’s productive sectors by a population that only waits for “social support”, the paralysis of the internal market and the excessive privileged treatment of the companies of the President’s friends draw a State pierced by the ambition of a few. Like before. As usual.

Four-wheelers are not made to know — much less be able to — do a single damage control. They do not know a single way, a solution, a possibility to use the immense possibilities of a presidential system with absolute powers, since they only use it to protect each other.

AMLO clearly demonstrates this in his formal responses and bravado in the face of international and national conflicts, many of which he himself provokes, becoming entangled in his own threads of unbridled corruption. The abuses in Claudia Sheinbaum’s disastrous campaign, as well as the criminal massacres, arks and huachicolera are truly embarrassing.

None of the three have defense

Omitting, ignoring from the matinees the clear crimes of AMLO’s children is abominable, like everything the four-timers will continue to do for the less than nine months they have left in the Chair. Driven mad by plunder and greed, the nefarious people of Tabasco will continue their work as true traitors to the country.

‎Everything is part of a fierce competition among themselves to distinguish and reward with greater positions and influence those who do the greatest possible damage to the Nation.

The sale of the country, the surrender to the Castro-Chavist regimes, the mechanical demolition of their structures, the betrayal of diplomacy, the looting of the monetary circulation, the leadership of the favored “corcholata” campaign, the obstacles to criminal investigations against state thieves, the protection of drug cartels, the savage repression of citizens, everything comes from AMLO’s desk.

And from there also the order:

Defend, defend, defend the López Beltrán lizards.


Very much like Luis Echeverría at the end of his disastrous six-year term (1970–1976), AMLO has already started the money-making machine. This, experts on the subject explain, has caused inflation to not stop because they calculate that it has doubled the monetary base without there being any economic growth in the country to justify it. Victoria Ramírez Ceja, governor of the Bank of Mexico who graduated from the Morena forces, would thus be financing the government’s expenses, which are increasingly higher due to the cost of works resulting from the presidential whim and the payment of pensions for electoral purposes. What a package that whoever succeeds Tabasco in power will inherit! Even if he were to be from the same party as hers. * * * You need to keep your eyes closed to reality, as Claudia Sheinbaum does, when she maintains that “Ulysses (Lara ) meets all the credentials to remain in charge of the office” of the CDMX Prosecutor’s Office, as she said in a panel during his visit to the state of Morelos the previous Saturday. Submissive, obedient, without even a hint of her own personality, AMLO’s pre-candidate only follows the lines that are thrown at her daily from the Palace so that the truth can swing on them. So, how, lady “corcholata”? * * * Jorge Álvarez Máynez is another who twists reality to suit his convenience. In a vein attempt to get rid of the scab label, he has already declared that he is going after the candidate of Morena and accompanying fauna (PVEM, PT) and not the one who leads the true opposition to the regime. Nobody believes it, of course. There are too many commitments between Dante Delgado and López Obrador and many more investigation folders that at a given moment the FGR could prosecute. * * * And now what is the next step, Marcelo Ebrard? No longer giving any? Stay static so as not to make waves? Accept the single-member candidacy for the Senate, since the first places on the list of cherry candidates already have Omar García and Ernestina Godoy as owners? * * * The absence of the rule of law is increasingly noticeable in vast territories of Chiapas. Federal forces have orders to hug criminals. The so-called governor Rutilio Escandón is a permanent guest in Babia. There the Sinaloa Cartel organizes parades and forces the residents to shout “hurray, hurray!”, as well as shouts with which they cry out for peace and freedom. Why vote for a successor to Escandón if those who really rule is not going to let go of power? Chiapas joins the increasingly extensive list of failed states in a country with a failed government. * * * And the elements of the militarized National Guard are good for sweeping and scrubbing — it is literal –, also for the vehicles that are assigned to serve as public transportation, as is happening right now in Acapulco. For everything, then, except to carry out the tasks of combating crime since murders and massacres are still the order of the day in Guerrero. Another failed state. * * * And meanwhile, “in 25 percent of Mexico’s electoral territory there is some risk that violence or the presence of organized crime will impact the development of the ongoing elections. Almost two months after starting the campaigns, on March 1, and just over four months before the June 2 vote, Grupo Reforma documented that in seventy-four of the three hundred federal electoral districts, attacks on politicians, party operators and electoral officials were recorded. , massacres, kidnappings of migrants, confrontations between criminals, as well as ambushes of police and Armed Forces. Twenty-one entities were included in the risk map. Of the seventy-four red lights, twenty coincide with districts that the INE, in various reports, describes as ‘complex’ for the integration of polling stations and organization of the election, due to the conditions of ‘high insecurity’. The main regions affected are Tierra Caliente, between Edomex, Guerrero and Michoacán, due to the dispute between La Familia Michoacana with rival groups and the extortions it carries out against authorities and residents…” Election year, year of more killings? * * * And that’s all for today. I appreciate you reading this far. And I wish you, as always, good thanks and many, many days!




Written by pacorodriguez

Periodista. Blande el Índice. Señala. Propone. Journalist. Brandishes the index finger. Points. Proposes.

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