The essence and corrupt and genocidal character of the 4T
The man is what he is. He never changes in the temperament and essence of him. From childhood until physical death, only the characters and attributes of the person are transformed as they are programmed by their environment, education, experiences, and the vocational programming of their aptitudes throughout their existence.
The quartet claque in power belongs to this category of psychic analysis, since they were born in an environment of impotence and were molded over the years around criteria of illicit enrichment, predation, influence peddling, crushing of popular demands and political brutality… even if in public they said other things.
This, which may be a truism, is part of an integral conception of all modern studies on the human personality that determines its way of being and acting, with its emotions and psychic systems. Someone inserted in a corrupt system cannot easily separate themselves from it, as they would receive recrimination, ignorance, and even immediate punishment from the dominant group in the environment.
Thus, when a person is invited to join a high social class, such as the followers of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and he himself knows perfectly well where he is going, he knows in advance who they are inviting them to. He enters a hermetic circle that is made up of subjects with similar temperament and essence. You can’t be fooled.
He has entered or been co-opted by a social class that is confident that a higher authority can never judge its actions than it, since it is a controlling class of the entire administrative, legislative, judicial, monetary, power, military, and opinion system. public and published, supported by a corrupt conglomerate.
A social class so empowered and vengeful that it knows that none of its acts of corruption or complicity, bribery, blackmail or extortion, whatever size it may be, have and will not have legal consequences before any formal court of conscience, transparency, accountability, justice administration, social supervision, institutional criticism.
They are this way simply because they are at the top of a vertical hierarchical system that makes all-embracing decisions and performs acts that are not subject to any prior scrutiny or subsequent sanction. He who enters that pseudo-human mass of corruption knows from the first moment that his character must be molded to the circumstances of that environment.
AMLO knew it and knows it. For that he eagerly sought power. He also knows that any deviation from that line would lead to ostracism, disqualification, repudiation, or prison, to pay on behalf of everyone else. No one in his right mind could go against the current of the corruption that is rampant in the 4T.
The six-year period of family corruption
Corruption is one of the reasons for the compactness of López Obradorism. Whoever leaves the inner circle, who reveals his secrets, knows that there is no turning back in his future, in his personal prestige or in the security of his family. Deep down, they know that their personal future, their impunity, and tranquility depend on the thin thread of loyalty and silence towards what is public and notorious.
From what has been proven and judged by the governed, a defenseless mass of individuals cornered by the complicity of authorities who also do not have the courage to accept a complaint, to make a brave statement, to process a procedure that attacks the powerful, because at that moment his life is in danger.
The hundreds of cases of kidnapped, bribed, repressed, whipped, “lifted”, executed, dismembered, and exterminated in all sectors of public criticism of honest and independent journalism, of businessmen who have opposed the dispossession, of groups social workers who have dared to protest are the testimony of a people in suspense.
They are, unfortunately, a legion of unarmed prophets, a conglomerate of victims of assault, dispossession, injustice, and total predation by a claque of heartless people whose character has been forged for abuse, crime, complicity with drug trafficking, obedience lackey to the imperial bosses and the absolute destruction of any concept of national sovereignty or defense of the homeland.
Molicity, corruption, repression, impunity frame the scenario of a government system that reveals the depth of the country’s decomposition. The four-tier claque, always eager to submit to any whim of the powerful of the North, mercilessly crushes the humble without voice or hope.
AMLO, just like Carlos Salinas
From the palace matinees, citizens are denied any possibility of organization, protest, or minimal demand for human rights, individual or social. Like Carlos Salinas de Gortari, AMLO “neither sees us nor hears us.”
Not to the families of the victims of crime, of disappearances, of those murdered, of femicides. He doesn’t even want them close since the walls the National Palace.
In turn, the immense mass of disinherited people, numbering more than one hundred million, is violently manipulated by those in power to make the construction of a broad front of the unprotected physically impossible. Everything will have to start from the imagination and the courage to defend Mexico, to confront the corruption, savagery, opacity, and national destruction by López Obrador.
The rest of the government, like someone who hears it rain, consents to the prodigious acts against the national economy and in favor of organized crime committed by relatives and close friends of those who believe to be the sun that shines on us from the National Palace.
Courageous citizens of Acapulco demand that a good part of the public money intended to praise Claudia Sheinbaum — without success — be used to rebuild the damage left by Hurricane Otis. They don’t pay attention to them. They send them crumbs of what is squandered in the Morenoist campaigns. The so-called governor, as well as the mayor, were absent, indolent in the face of the misfortune of those who voted for them. Absolutely embarrassing.
There is no doubt: the hallmark of the Cuatroteros and rampant Lopezobradorism is cynicism and shamelessness in the face of any event.
And it doesn’t stop there.
The worst thing is that corruption, drug trafficking and genocidal murder are behind this conception of life.
That’s what they trained them for.
It is the profile of your personality, based on the genetics and temperament of your vital structure.
AMLO is corrupt and genocidal.
What a gem that Morena caught in her nets! This is the coward Eruviel Ávila , former governor of the State of Mexico, who in 2018 disqualified the favored “corcholata” of whom he said lacked the skills to govern CDMX — which turned out to be true — and now that, with corruption files in hand The Cuatroteros who promised him impunity caught him. He praised the so-called scientist because they both studied at UNAM! Cowardly, I repeat, he has already taken back his words from five years ago. Morena will have to plow with those oxen. * * * Another of the recent signings of the guinda party, the Chihuahuan Ramón Corral, has already requested federal help for the physical and verbal attacks he suffered on Wednesday by Raymundo Romero Maldonado, former secretary general of the government with César Duarte, and by Fernando Mariano Reyes Ramírez , former local deputy. Both demanded the arrest of the first in the middle of the Christmas season. Later, a judge declared him innocent of the charges that Corral brought against him. * * * Together with the capital’s mayor Benito Juárez, San Pedro Garza García, NL, boasts its high levels of security. Yesterday, however, two bars in the area known as Centrito Valle were attacked by an organized crime group. Will there be Samuel García ‘s TikTok to comment on the event? * * * And for the people of Acapulco it rains in the wet. Morena, which is the majority parliamentary faction of the local Congress of Guerrero, and its allies from the PT and PVEM rejected the proposal made by the opposition group of the PRI-PRD and PAN that in 2024 the citizens and businessmen affected by the hurricane “ Otis” discounts or tax payments are waived. They do not help them and, even more, they sink their teeth into them. * * * My most sincere condolences to the family and friends of the great Cristina Pacheco, who came before us this Thursday to meet with her beloved José Emilio De ella. We are going to miss her interviews and her Sunday writings. Rest in peace! * * * And that’s all for today. I wish you, as always, good thanks and many, many days! As well as a very Merry Christmas and a better and hopeful 2024! * * * The writer will return to this space on Wednesday, January 3. Congratulations!