Sheinbaum and The Great Captain’s Accounts
The number of billions of pesos that has spread like dry gunpowder among certain polling houses and some media outlets in recent days is astonishing, so that they lend themselves to the little game of sanctifying the candidacy of Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo.
Any huckster with a phone who has access to YouTube, any adventurer with a laptop or access to an internet cafe, has lent himself to birlibirloque: hiding the truth under a mountain of money, the only guarantee of loyalty that the followers of Andrés Manuel López Obrador know. .
There is no talk of a loyalty forever, it is only occasional, whatever is necessary to legitimize an unconsulted finger, in favor of a woman of few attributes.
There have been horrifying cases. Like those of those radio media concessionaires who make their announcers and commentators swear by it that in just 24 hours the country gratefully surrendered to the candidate and has raised her to the first place of their preferences, in surveys more agreed upon than a fight of box by George Parnassus.
It was not from one day to the next, but throughout a five-year period of presidential matinees that the ineffable Sheinbaum woke up with a popularity that from one moment to the next will exceed the acceptance that AMLO has brought since the six-year term began.
With these percentages, the 4T odds deceive themselves. There is no longer a need to campaign, since before starting it, he has surpassed the leader of the preferences, who is currently the candidate of the Fuerza y Corazón por México coalition, Xóchitl Gálvez.
They are The Accounts of the Great Captain, like the work of Lope de Vega that is based on an anecdote attributed to Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, The Great Captain, who ridiculed Fernando the Catholic when he asked him for accounts of the expenses he had incurred during the Naples campaign, at the end of the year 1506.
This is how López Obrador deceives and deceives himself.
Operation “raccoon”, with the support of drug traffickers?
With a hard vote in clear decline — he no longer has 30 million in his pocket, like in 2018; not even the almost 17 million that it captured in 2021–, the true dream of the owner of the cherry tambourine, read AMLO, is to reach second place tied with the PRI-PAN-PRD Coalition so that, after the raccoon operation and with the “ help” from organized crime, those votes are inflated in the polls far from the madding crowd and can even win first place. Just as they did with Delfina Gómez in the State of Mexico.
I mentioned it here at the end of November last year. For AMLO, Morena has lost twenty-two million votes.
The causes are easily identifiable: López Obrador’s authoritarianism, as well as his stubbornness and immobility of strange ideas, most of them inherited from the sixty’s and seventy’s decades of the previous century.
For abjuring the principles — “do not lie, do not steal, do not betray” — that brought him to power. For not fulfilling the commitments he made in his three successive presidential campaigns. For the insults and lies or “other information” that he daily launches with impunity from his electoral-comic-musical matinees.
Just as for having exacerbated polarization throughout the national territory, but for the lack of attention to the main problems of Mexicans, such as security, health, education, housing, administration of justice and, of course, for having scared and scared away national and foreign investment, which has resulted in elevated levels of formal unemployment, among many other calamities.
So, as the well-known phrase goes, if the elections were held at this time, your favored “corcholata” would barely reach a little more than eight million votes with everything and the waste of public resources and very possibly even corruption and drug trafficking that its “opener” AMLO has “invested” in promoting it for more than five years.
Add to these two more factors: the counterproductive “carrying” to official rallies, in which people don’t even know what they are going to, but get angry at the blackmail they are subjected to if they don’t attend, and…
…especially the absence of charisma, empathy and ideas of Mrs. Claudia Sheinbaum and will have a calamitous result for the AMLO Movement, who will thus see their desire to perpetuate themselves through her frustrated.
Eight million votes!
Nothing else!
Where does this figure come from?
Of studies and projections that have been carried out periodically by members of the Professional Career Service of the National Electoral Institute committed to democracy, a number that I reveal with their authorization, but withholding their names to avoid the reprisals that are characteristics of the ill-fated Fourth Transformation.
Eight million votes!
Nothing else!
That Xóchitl will get half of Claudia’s votes
But even the conspicuous Morenista leaders have gone with their own feint. There are those who bet double against single that Xóchitl Gálvez brings twenty-six percentage points of the national vote, while his standard-bearer doubles it. Because of what? their parishioners ask them. They are the accounts of the blackmail for giving him my support, they answer very proudly.
And they are not minor accounts: we are talking about a nominal list of voters of almost one hundred million in closed numbers. The vote will be 60%, as always. Sixty million votes will be at stake in that bag. According to Morena’s blackmailers, they are entitled to 32 million effective votes, while Gálvez is graciously granted sixteen. And so on.
And the others? ask his astonished followers and conclapaches. The others are brought by the MC candidate, they answer, without breaking a sweat. Tyrians and Trojans of that school affirm that this franchise so battered by reality is more alive than ever. They cling to the belief that Jalisco, Nuevo León, Coahuila, and Tamaulipas will vote mostly orange and that in the southeast of the country the PAN-PRI-PRD have no chance.
And have they already been paid “in cash… and in advance…” for their services?
Faced with this, the inexperienced Morenistas know in advance that there is not much to do, since some of their governors are withdrawn, and the others hide so that they do not ask for a favor, so that they do not even greet them, lest it be that Mario Delgado and the other leaders keep their rings, almost the only thing they have left after paying bail and very expensive protections.
No governor of Morena has been convinced by raising his hand in favor of Sheinbaum. They know that they must obey, but you know that what is done by force is always a job poorly done. They have been punished with justice, with the budget, with cuts, with aid. They only receive them at the National Palace to ask them for the accounts of the commissions and the moche$. And obviously, they don’t even want to talk about that anymore, because what they say will be used against them.
So, where are the votes in favor of Morena?
What do the radio parrots and the press talk about this true madness?
Do you think there will be someone who will reward you for your efforts?
Or have they already been paid “in cash… and in advance…?
What do you think?
Unmissable is the interview that Ricardo Salinas Pliego gave to Javier Alatorre, within the framework of the first 30 years of the nightly newscast Hechos . A couple of points are worth highlighting about Mr. López Obrador: “I am a friend of him because we have known each other for many years, but I have seen that he has become radicalized and that he has joined forces with a series of people who are nefarious and who are taking us down a path. bad way. And I tell him to his face, he is wrong.” Another: “He is not, being enemies among Mexicans, how a President should behave. The President is going to be a unifying factor and he is a constant dividing factor, and you know it. So, he chose that because it suits his political purpose. It seems to me that it is a mistake.” On the ongoing electoral process: “If you don’t go out to vote, then you are practically voting in favor of the party in power and Claudia Sheinbaum. If you go out to vote, then you can have that option or the other. But we must be clear: citizen inaction favors the party in power. Now, if you tell me if Claudia wins, things will change, but not that much. We return to the same thing, that magical thought that another ruler has already arrived and that now we are going to go big. Well, it’s not like that. So, let’s not change.” Lapidary, but accurate, the so-called Uncle Richie. * * * Stop machines! The printing of electoral ballots must restart to include the name of Leodegario Pozos Vergara from Puebla. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled in his favor, and he must be included as an independent candidate for the Presidency of the Republic. * * * There are already fourteen militants from Dante Delgado ‘s party rooted in Nuevo León, after three months ago, among others, they sought to prevent the Congress of that entity from meeting to appoint a substitute for Samuel García in the governorship. The intellectual author is missing. The main person involved. * * * And in the absence of serious proposals, Javier Álvarez — who claims to be another representative of the “new politics” — only dedicates himself to criticizing his two opponents. He goes harder against Xóchitl Gálvez because that’s what he is hired for. * * * And that’s all for today. I acknowledge, as always, that you have paid some of your attention to this Political Index and I wish you good thanks and many, many days!