Power, between managers and drug dealers

6 min readJul 11, 2024


Was Francis Fukuyama right when in his book on The End of History he decreed the death of ideologies? Here, he did get it right.

The PAN and the PRI lost their identities when they coalesced. And now even in the Institutional Revolutionary they abandon the liberalism that, with the adjective “social” Carlos Salinas de Gortari foisted on them.

National Action, given the latest electoral results, no longer represents the informed, Catholic, aspirational middle classes.

The one who was hegemonic for more than 70 years cannot find who he embodies, now that he lost the corporatized labor sector in the CTM and after he abandoned the peasantry affiliated with the CNC.

Morena is pure pragmatism. He allies himself with the workers affiliated with the PT as well as with the “fifi” businessmen of the PVEM.

It supports a left-wing ideology and, in its first two presidential processes, those of 2028 and 2024, it acted as a catch -all party that incurred ideological blurring and pragmatism when it participated in the Together We Make History coalition.

In fact, Andrés Manuel López Obrador is more neoliberal than Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan combined.

This ideological blurring of Mexican political parties occurs because the last few decades have been the scene of the great paradox of decadent politics: while in advanced countries the managers come to power, in the emerging and poor countries the drug dealers arrive.‎

And since John F. Kennedy appointed an executive from the Ford Motor Company, Robert S. McNamara, as head of the Pentagon, the world was no longer the same.

McNamara returned to Kennedy’s executioner and leader of the gang, Lyndon B. Johnson , and was responsible for leading the Gabachos to their most notorious ridicule in front of the defenseless “bare feet” Vietnamese. It was said that his thinking machine only added costs, profits, and bombs, without political foresight. Technocracy had arrived to make the decisions.

Worse still, when at the beginning of the formation of the European Economic Community, a top technocrat, Valery Giscard d’Estaing, Georges Pompidou ‘s finance minister, established himself in French power, in favor of arbitrary and corrupt neocolonialism. The gossip magazines were filled with his aristocratic photos and his golf clubs.

John Kenneth Galbraith , who had just left the American embassy in India, published The New Industrial State, and announced the arrival of the technocrats, whom Henri Lefebvre called cybernanthropes, the most complete expression of the “last man”, long announced by the Adolf Hitler ‘s inspiration, Frederick Nietzsche .

The pretext of total quality

Helmut Schmidt arrived at the German Chancellery replacing Willy Brandt , and the seventy-somethings Ronald Reagan and George Bush , graduates of Disney and the CIA, respectively, implanted in the Gabacho the concept of process engineering in politics and the objective of total quality, the optimal result for the alienated consumer.

The Huehuenche technocrats, sponsored in Mexico by Carlos Salinas de Gortari, along with all of them, fell into ridicule. Because the only way to implement total quality in a miserable country was through subjugation.

It was then about exercising violence with total quality in the processes, killing without admitting claims because they were jobs of excellence, distributing scarce resources and products to the hungry, stretching the impacts of marketing and advertising without concrete content.

Because even all the large corporations functioned in their countries of origin with the oil of corruption, deception, betrayal, and human passions. NASA’s rockets were bursting on the launch platforms due to lack of investment in their construction and maintenance. The managers of the oil companies committed suicide for discovering dark ties with the White House.

“Putting the Mexican consumer to sleep was the easiest. The political class, eager to get hooked on the First World, was easily deceived by Rostownian theories that recommended promptly exhausting all the stages that industrial countries had followed to reach failure.

When the ideological designers of free trade and open markets, of the naked empire of the law of supply and demand without arbitrators, abandoned their own recipes 30 years ago, here in the big ranch the mandarins fought to apply them before their adversaries. Since they didn’t know anything, they believed that they governed with innovative ideas.

This is what happens with the economy, as well as with the expert administrators who program, write and pontificate about the advent of better worlds with technocratic criteria, when everyone has already abandoned those conceptions. Transnational logics now depend on the Creole culiempinados, not on their own expansion.

Did a drug dealer reach the Presidency?

It has been demonstrated ad nauseam that jobs, the vitality of the agricultural industry, its manufacturing plant, foreign trade, and gringo tourism, structurally depend on the market of Mexican buyers, although they do not know it, or even knowing it they do not want to accept it. ‎ We are one of the two largest consumers of their transnational balances and garbage.

For the gringo managers in power, a computer is more efficient than a politician, just as technocratic management is far above corrupt and primitive politics. The paradox is that the damage done by technicians always requires politicians to sweep the house, to reverse the damage, to calculate the costs.

The modern reality is that business governments are incompetent because they are managed by managers who do not contribute human value to the expansion of any economic, social, or political enterprise. They only adapt to a format; they blindly obey superior orders.

This is what happens with Donald Trump . Now that the quagmire in which he entered during his campaign for the Presidency is being aired, as well as during and after his stay in the White House, he should be indefensible before a Congress and a Judiciary that are vexed and abandoned to their fate in the hands of a madman. But you see, the Court has given him total immunity and impunity.

‎They don’t know how to measure the human dimension. Poor entities are distinguished by their miseries, forgetfulness, hesitations, emotions, pleasures, anxieties, madness, hesitations. But nothing can be built by disqualifying and oppressing human weaknesses.

Politics, it is proven, is not measured in terms of efficiency and much less technology. Political management, the ability to measure rebounds and times, dimension opportunities and decide on options to remedy human suffering, are only from the realm of this world.

They will not be achieved here in the big ranch neither with more globalization, nor with more technocracy, because continuing down this path leads to the caves of the friends of the North, in terms of trade, energy, immigration, military, diplomacy and security. If that is what we want, we are better off asking for annexation and the matter is concluded.

Let’s stop thinking that genius is in sensitivity, nowhere else, as Charles Baudelaire said. Let us commit again to the Homeland and its nationalist demands, let us hand everything over to the executioner, to waste, corruption and extravagance. Let’s forget honesty, frugality, decorum, and Mexican dignity. Let us be an associated State.

‎It’s good, then, that the circle was not closed!

It’s good that a little manager didn’t come to the Presidency!

Could it be that a drug dealer arrived?


The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) held its twenty-fourth National Assembly in which, not only were changes to the Statutes approved, but there were also self-criticisms of the Declaration of Principles and revaluation of the Party Program, so it was decided to “expel to neoliberalism.” During his speech, the leader of the tricolor in the Chamber of Deputies, Rubén Moreira Valdez , assured that adopting this current of thought distanced them from the social groups, which they had represented since its foundation and as heirs of the revolution. * * * And that’s all for today. My appreciation to you who read this text up to this point. As always, I wish you good thanks and many, many days!





Written by pacorodriguez

Periodista. Blande el Índice. Señala. Propone. Journalist. Brandishes the index finger. Points. Proposes.

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