Our security, in the hands of accomplices of crime

6 min readDec 14, 2024


Omar García (a.k.a. Batman)

“They must all go!” a former director of the now defunct Federal Judicial Police told me emphatically. He points out that those who have been in charge of so-called public security until now do not know the police profession — including the military and the navy — and “in order to get their work done” they have allied themselves with criminals in exchange for crumbs of money.

And, what’s worse, for these minimal amounts they put themselves at the service of criminals, who treat them as employees. If Mrs. Claudia Sheinbaum really wants to do things right, she stresses, not a single one should be left. No one who “worked” in the areas of public security during the administrations of Fox, Calderón, Peña and AMLO. No one!

Although there must be exceptions, or in this case, those who are the ones …

To begin with, there is the head of the federal government’s Security . Omar García is a graduate of the ranks formed by Luis Cárdenas Palomino , second-in-command to Genaro García Luna . It is known that he did not pass the confidence control exams. And he is suspected of favoring one of the major drug cartels, for which his rival would have ordered his assassination in the third week of June 2020. Have those accounts already been settled? Do they still persist?

Then there are the governors of the federative entities who act like real bosses with all the protections of the criminal gangs with which they have made agreements in their respective states, closing at will all the hotels, restaurants and rest areas they visit. Whether or not the complicity is true, in politics “what seems, is,” as the now deceased philosopher from Tuxpan, Mr. Jesús Reyes Heroles , said .

Mrs. Sheinbaum has just asked García and the governors again to take care of the safety of families and even to take the children to school. Advice from grandma, she said.

But, if you are from Guerrero, for example, would you allow “the singer” Evelyn Salgado to do it? Or would you allow her father, “the actor” Félix , to take your daughter by the hand to take her to school?

And if you are from Nuevo León, wouldn’t you suspect that behind these orders there was a new business for Samuel García and his relatives?

The so-called state leaders are the worst people in charge of public safety, as shown by the statistics on crime, kidnapping and the various illegal acts committed by the same authorities on the streets of all parts of the country, in all towns and villages. The main objective of these leaders is only to get rich, and the sooner the better. Meanwhile, the crimes go unpunished.

It’s better not to mention the state public security officials. They are mostly retired military and marine personnel who receive these positions as a reward, so that their retirement will be more comfortable and self-sufficient. Their results are also visible.

And since he who puts in power takes away, they no longer have the slightest justification to continue to thrive at the expense of the population. “The people” have decided against institutional violence and public security as they are. It is time for everyone to go with you, you know who, to “La Chingada” these impostors and criminals who have made fortunes based on shamelessness, cynicism and hypocritical gesticulation supposedly in favor of their subjects.

The same ones who caused the debacle

A total clean-up is urgently needed. This is what the people of Mexico are saying, even those who are “anesthetized” by the “welfare” handouts.

Even though the favorites of the Fourth Transformation might believe that firing all those in charge of security is unrealistic, we have to start somewhere. Not only the future is at stake, but also the lives of 130 million Mexicans and foreigners who pass through our territory.

It is not a coincidence but a cause that 7 out of 10 Mexican citizens have been violated, insulted, humiliated, massacred and wiped off the map, according to official statistics from the same INEGI, which has been forced to recognize that we are indeed the most violent country on Earth, in the midst of an undeclared civil war.

Coincidentally, it is the same number of Mexicans, 70% of the population, who voted on June 2 to banish insecurity from the country, after the promises, promises and more promises of the then-government candidate, Mrs. Sheinbaum, that she would fight against it.

But not like this. Not with the same people who caused the debacle. The same people who support and embrace the criminals who helped them get their candidacies and win at the polls, as is the case of Rubén Rocha from Sinaloa –and he is not the only one–, who the people of Culiacan do not even pay attention to when he takes his children to school.

Masks off! Many governors are in collusion with crime.

Like AMLO, they enjoy total impunity

When anyone is invited to join a high social class, such as the followers of Andrés Manuel López Obrador , they know beforehand who is inviting them. They enter a hermetic circle made up of people with similar temperaments and essences. They cannot be deceived.

It has entered or been co-opted by a social class that is absolutely confident that its actions can never be judged by a higher authority than itself, since it is a clique that controls the entire administrative, legislative, judicial, monetary, power, military, public opinion and publishing system, supported by a corrupt conglomerate.

A social class so empowered and vengeful that it knows that none of its acts of corruption or complicity, bribery, blackmail or extortion, no matter how large it may be, have or will have legal consequences before any formal court, of conscience, of transparency, of accountability, of the administration of justice, of social supervision, of institutional criticism.

They are like that simply and plainly because they are at the top of a vertical hierarchical system that makes all-powerful decisions and carries out acts that are not subject to any prior scrutiny or subsequent sanction. Anyone who enters this pseudo-human mass of corruption knows from the first moment that his character must be shaped by the circumstances of that environment.

AMLO knew it and knows it. That is why he eagerly sought power. That is why he left a “suitable” successor. He also knows that any deviation from that line would lead him to ostracism, disqualification, repudiation or jail, to pay on behalf of everyone else. No one in their right mind could go against the current of corruption and the dark complicities that are rampant in the 4T.

Heavy doses of corruption and incompetence, worse than platelets, have paralyzed the nerves and muscles of the regime. Multiple sclerosis is advancing uncontrollably. There is not a single organ in that body that responds, even slightly, to any external political stimulus. Catatonia has taken over the little system of the Fourth Transformation.

Multiple sclerosis can affect any of the arteries in the body, including those in the heart, brain, arms, legs, pelvis, and kidneys. The connecting vessels have become stiff and restrict any flow. The immune system has attacked the nerve fibers, causing communication problems between the brain and the rest of the body.

That is why the arms that should be catching and prosecuting criminals are down. They are the arms of the incompetents who are in charge of our security.

May God continue to catch us confessed!


Both the current discourse of the last six-year term — lackey-like continued in this Administration — and the absence of security controls resulted in the perverse murder of magistrate Edmundo Román Pinzón, two days ago in Acapulco. The diatribes against the judges of AMLO and Sheinbaum are incentives for criminals. * * * That’s all for today. My thanks to you who read this Political Index and, as always, my best wishes for you to have good graces and many, many days!





Written by pacorodriguez

Periodista. Blande el Índice. Señala. Propone. Journalist. Brandishes the index finger. Points. Proposes.

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