More corruption now than with the PRI!

6 min readApr 20, 2024


‎In 2018, Enrique Peña Nieto had far surpassed the record of Miguel Alemán Valdés and Carlos Salinas de Gortari of having each presided over the most corrupt governments in the country’s recent history.

For this reason, society turned to the polls and placed its trust in Andrés Manuel López Obrador, believing that, as he had promised in three successive electoral campaigns, he would truly fight corruption.

It was a deception. Today, as happened in previous six-year terms, in the basements and crawl spaces of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial powers, the essential coyotes of “El Clan” — sons, nephews and assistants of AMLO — report with satisfaction that the best way to do any “ bisne” is thanks to the fact that his relative and boss is President of the Republic.

Whether it is about obtaining a permit, the preparation of a Law, the meaning of an investigation, the content of any sentence, there are the Morenistas closest to the head of the Federal Executive putting their hands in… and frequently their legs.

Whether or not to apply the law is irrelevant. What is at stake in the competition of bribery is the speed and precise ease with which action is taken, before the irremediable happens: that someone must cross the barriers, appear in the spotlight of ridicule, or remain like a Chinese, without doing anything. “The jump”, expected for not knowing how to distribute the gift or blackmail. You have to “splash”. “You have to bathe in a shower and not in a tub,” they say.

‎The content of the provisions strictly in black and white, the uselessness of the files, the crazy laughter at any circular from the leaders and the commanders, the contempt for the law, the mockery of due process, the demonstration of the superiority of the “ bite” on any human authority that already asks for more than before is the effective corollary to the now impossible re-election.

And the old formula, humble and ambushed, of the patrolmen and the officers of the guardrail when they did not want to call blackmail by name in the dark is no longer used: “cooperate with whatever your will.” Today the theft is blatant, appraised by the authority without qualms, without limits of floor and ceiling of amount.

AMLO betrayed his voters

As much as the 4T government boasts of pointing out that Mexico does not occupy the first places on the list of corrupt countries in the world, by replicating the content of an analysis carried out by a prestigious international institution, we have fallen into the worst of all worlds.

We are the champions of administrative opacity. The gallants who hold the front position in all the missteps. The inhabitants of a country that is said to be governed by chairopopulism who cannot show their faces or raise their necks when it comes to corruption.

It is a poison injected into the DNA of the rulers, regardless of the political party they come from.

And against that there is no claim that is valid, nor umpire that makes it recoverable.

We live in the realm of the presumed guilty, not the innocent with the benefit of the doubt in favor. We have not been able to overcome the literary sentence of the Spanish Golden Age that spoke irrevocably of the “powerful knight is Don Dinero.” The burden of proof will always fall on the side of the innocent, who does not have the resources to avoid the hammer of sold justice.

The great writer Francisco de Quevedo said in 1600: “…well, doubloon or simple. He does everything I want, a powerful gentleman is Don Dinero”, and unintentionally defined the imprint of the Mexican regimes of the PRI, the PAN, the PRD and Morena.

A phrase that should have been immortalized in all the portals of the real and alternate offices of the idiots that we suffer and abhor today.

The violation of the previously respected rules in the transfer of drugs, in trafficking, in the smuggling of substances and merchandise, in the absence of rigor with which they have benefited competitors who give more will not go unpunished.

The punishment deserved for being too clever.‎ Biting the hand of his loyal supporters of the middle classes. The Morenistas broke the standards of established greed. They threw stones at the manger. They filled the crop with pebbles.

They betrayed the local coyotes of the Gabacha companies, oil, electricity, mining, construction, automotive, salt companies, to look good with those who were not in the grocery racket.

They formed a caste of qualified peddlers who served as a screen, the ideal screen to take away the saint and alms.

‎They manipulate the stock indices and financial indicators of artificial profits at their whim for companies listed on the Stock Exchange, to remain shielded as nylon shareholders, receiving profits for life without ever having invested in shares of any company. of them. Save subsequent investigations with printed paper, the only proof of the “advance” unknown to the sleuths.

Without a doubt it is a #Narcogovernment

‎They imposed new cartels in the drug trafficking struggle and created their own. They violated the pacts of the res publica, that formula that supported the existence of select and maneuvering interlocutors to discreetly manage the operation in the high-impact mafia lines, of the criminals out there. Out of ignorance and ambition they stepped on all the calluses that should not be bruised.

‎They established their own companies, their cartels, their bands, on the patents of which their defenders had already accredited in the embotes. They ignored the distribution agreements. They believed that with the 4T they had arrived to find a thousand-year Reich that, at most.

Desperate due to the free fall in the levels of citizen acceptance of their candidates for popular election next June 2, they try to refresh their image by visiting some towns, taking selfies with the applauders “carried, chicken and egg.” , trying to make alliances with those they previously mocked, with those who were the object of their arrogant, artificially empowered sarcasm. Cynicism is revealed in the cold smile, in the hypocritical ways and means of alleged redemption.

‎Those who militarized everything, as a way of hiding their lack of organization and demolished will for political action, today want to fill their mouths with sovereignty, with democracy, with love for Mexico, a country tired of its vulgarity and incompetence, which only He hates them and wants them all to leave, now.

The last two six-year terms, that of Peña Nieto and the current one, have been a disgrace, a gargantuan looting, surpassing the historical antecedents of Miguel Alemán and Salinas de Gortari.

We Mexicans never deserved to put up with this gang of ridiculous people, traitors, traitors, and political clowns.

Are we condemned to repeat the same story repeatedly?

Hopefully not.


“This is an advance to banish corruption and impunity, it is a historical fact in the public life of our country, here we do actions and not words,” said the President of the Republic when commenting — in one of his morning conferences, to end of March 2019 — the approval of the constitutional reforms to be able to try the acting president in corruption and electoral crimes… In another of the so-called “morning” sessions that week, AMLO himself also referred to his predecessors, whom The vast majority of the population considers them not only corrupt but, even worse, unpunished: Salinas de Gortari, he said, is the “father of social inequality in Mexico’’; the one who created the new oligarchy, the one who transferred the assets of the people and the Nation to individuals, to those close to him. He said that Vicente Fox turned out to be a traitor to democracy; Felipe Calderón turned the country into a cemetery And Peña Nieto into corruption… And today he summarizes all of them. “Let the corruption continue…!” Claudia Sheinbaum said Well. And it will continue. * * * And that’s all for today. I congratulate myself that you have reached this point in your reading, and I wish you, as always, good luck and many, many days!




Written by pacorodriguez

Periodista. Blande el Índice. Señala. Propone. Journalist. Brandishes the index finger. Points. Proposes.

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