Madness in the US: Murder in Manhattan
The great Catalan living in Mexico, Pablo de Ballester , Archimandrite of the Greek Orthodox Church in Latin America, founder of the Hellenic Theater, used to say that “the United States had jumped from barbarism to civilization, without going through culture.” He was not wrong. The WASP way of being confirms any doubt.
Voltaire himself had maintained that even “civilization does not suppress barbarism; it perfects it and makes it more cruel and barbaric.” Clear examples of why the maturation process of the French identity lacked the factor that consolidates a cultural identity, the sediment that macerates through the centuries an informed and formed collective personality.
The superficial, schematic information that makes up the mind and personality of the White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestants revolves around the practical mechanics that achieve success, understood as a goal of possessions and wealth at any cost, which comes to them from the antiquity of the Calvinist and Lutheran religions.
Religious moralism, spirituality based on triumph at any cost, can indeed make barbarism more refined, more perfected. Their limited way of thinking is not comparable to that of an average European or a Latin American mestizo. The latter is superior in worldview, in treatment of their peers, in coexistence and civilized tolerance.
In these Protestant behaviors, even a double standard is used, based on material success in life. This is historically proven both by the British Victorian morality of Perfidious Albion , and by the prevailing morality among the aspirational and failed inhabitants of the American electorate that empowered Donald Trump .
The predestined ones?
In the Commentaries on the Letter to the Romans and in The Ecclesiastical Ordinances of the Church of Geneva , the French theologian John Calvin , through his Consistory, imposed rigor and fundamentalism, censored and prohibited the readings he called profane…
… monitored the conduct and study of the young people, who were denied entertainment, dancing, parties or songs that were not strictly religious, and the slightest challenge to the dogmatic solidity and to that discipline of the general prohibition of everything was not tolerated.
Persecuted by the High Ecclesiastical Commission of England, the Puritans, soldiers of the Bible and of the experience of predestination, detractors of all distraction and entertainment, chosen above the immense mass of sinners, emigrated to North America to subdue the Indians, destroy the demons and found the earthly paradise.
They were Puritans, descendants of the party that had ruled England alongside Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell . They interpreted the Scriptures in the style of the Calvinists, as opposed to the liturgy, rituals and hierarchical government of the bishops. They arrived on this continent disguised as the “Pilgrim Fathers” aboard the Mayflower , in 1620.
Because the maritime and colonial expansion of Great Britain and the Netherlands brought the Huguenots to the shores of North America, their success in the new lands was based on their intimidating doctrine of predestination and their belief in the sanctity of work above all other considerations.
The rest, to hell
In 1947, the American committees of Quakers, descendants of Lutherans, Calvinists and Protestants, received the Nobel Peace Prize. Pennsylvania became their main centre of activity. They believed in the supreme authority of the inner word of the Holy Spirit. Do me the refabrón cavor !
The hybrid of all this mishmash is reborn baptism. Its text, the Apocalypse of St. John. Its firm belief: that, in the earthquake at the end of the world, only they will be taken to paradise, while Catholics who follow the Pope, Buddhists and Muslims will be condemned to fry in hell. The world is in their hands.
This is historically confirmed by the existence of an organization of those born to kill, religious members of the National Association of Friends of the Rifle, a social structure with desires of ethnic cleansing, racial intolerance, misogyny and supremacy, a cavern of minutemen , anti-immigrant hitmen and the Republican Party.
All of them, the cream of the crop of unbridled voters, the 30% of Americans who make up the hard-core vote of the national electorate that brought Donald Trump to the place he should never have been, the confined core served by the nonsense and fury of a crazed orange man who knows they will never leave him alone. They are exactly the same.
Broken society
All the emblematic theories of recent centuries that refer to the fact that the aim of achieving security makes men give up part of their freedom to submit to the will of authority have succeeded in making the State the legitimate monopoly of violence.
Tens of thousands of migrants displaced from Mexico by an unjust economic system have died at the hands of these monstrosities. Likewise, thousands of children and women seeking bread in the United States have been victims of the racial supremacy and misogyny of revived Quakers and Calvinists.
Feverish defenders of an American dream that smells more like a requiem than of future and civilization, because the Empire has been undermined to the core by these desires for unhealthy greatness.
It seems that they have not been aware that more than fifty percent of the positions and research posts in cutting-edge industries and the knowledge economy, as well as the scientific doctorates in these subjects in their universities, are currently occupied by migrants, with skills, abilities and capacities that go beyond this economic structure.
No. The Friends of the Rifle are the exact example of how the State has been replaced in its basic functions of security and justice to hand over the tools to criminal organizations that in the name of progress murder and exterminate citizens who seek to exercise their powers. The sale of high-powered weapons to any scumbag allows them to walk around the entire territory without anyone protesting or saying anything.
Hundreds of dead and seriously injured are testimony to a bloody and vengeful system.
The example of Las Vegas and the massacre carried out by a WASP feverish for power and false illusions sets the tone for what follows, in the face of the apathy of a system eaten away by those it believes are its best sons. 30% of the hard vote at the service of the nonsense of Trump, an outdated Calvinist.
The murder of the CEO of UnitedHealthcare, one of the insurance companies with the largest clientele in the US, Brian Thompson , at the hands of the so-called Prince of Baltimore , Luigi Mangioni , but above all its aftermath, show the degree of decomposition of the society of the decaying Empire, since a large sector of American society considers the murderer a kind of avenging hero and not the villain of this film.
And the four-handed people, deep down, continue singing praises to the madman who will return to settle in the White House on January 20th. Putting all of Mexico and any national project at his service. Juan Ramón de la Fuente , who lived a couple of years in New York; Marcelo Ebrard , who even collaborated in Hillary Clinton ‘s failed presidential campaign , and Mrs. Claudia Sheinbaum herself , who did a postgraduate degree at a university near San Francisco are among the fans of this way of seeing the world and the relations between our country and those who feel they own all lives.
Barbarism has been perfected in this mockery of civilization.
Voltaire can claim another lucky prediction.
Paradoxes of life. On Sunday, January 22, 1984, Pablo de Ballester finished the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. Accompanied by an assistant, he was in the parking lot to board his vehicle. Tragedy was approaching when a retired army general, Rafael Román , was carrying a hidden weapon which he used against the Orthodox bishop. Seriously wounded, Ballester was given immediate attention. The chronicles of the time say that Román wanted to kill himself after the attack so as not to face the consequences; however, he did not succeed in his goal and was arrested. Pablo de Ballester was mortally wounded. He was taken to the Red Cross and operated on, but the attack was accurate and the injuries caused his death days later, on January 31. * * * That is all for today. I thank you for reading this text. As always, I wish you good graces and many, many days!