Judicial “coup”? No. Military coup by the 4T, yes

5 min readOct 8, 2024


The three female ministers, Yasmín Esquivel, Loretta Ortiz and Lenia Batres, are wrong when they describe as “coup” the decision of the majority of the members of the Plenary that the SCJN accept for processing the consultations that seek to stop the course of the constitutional reform to the Judicial Branch already approved at random by the Permanent Constituent and hastily promulgated as a “gift” to AMLO.

The President of the Senate Board of Directors, Gerardo Fernández Noroña , has made the same serious mistake, and, as if that were not enough, he has turned that institutional position into a partisan one. He did not speak on behalf of that Chamber of the Legislature. He did so on behalf of the so-called Fourth Transformation.

“A watered-down coup,” said President Claudia Sheinbaum , trying to minimize the epithets of her fellow religionists, but assuring that the reform is going ahead.

Although we are talking about “coups”, let us look at the Silent Coup that already took place with the reform to the National Guard that militarizes this supposed police force and that Andrés Manuel López Obrador left to his successor, thus crowning the intervention of the uniformed personnel in an endless number of activities that should be carried out by civilians.

Neither the ministers, nor the senator, nor the Head of the Federal Executive read well the position of the ministers Norma Piña, Juan Luis González Alcántara –who presented the voted project–, Margarita Ríos Farjat, Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena, Javier Laynez Potisek, Luis María Aguilar, Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo and Alberto Pérez Dayán.

They voted in favor of merely reviewing and deciding whether the SCJN has the power to review the already approved reform to the Judicial Branch… with serious procedural and substantive deficiencies, it should be noted.

And those who called the Court a “coup” understood — and misunderstood — that, with this majority vote, the Supreme Court was trying to overturn the aforementioned reform that distorts one of the three branches of the Union.

Yes, but no. And if this were to happen, then it would be necessary to bring up that, as the deputy Germán Martínez Cázares recently recalled, “of course, constitutional modifications can be challenged via amparo. This is stated in several sentences regarding the procedure and this is stated in the thesis of the Escuela Libre de Derecho by someone you believe in, but I do not, Arturo Zaldívar Lelo de Larrea .”

And yes, indeed, anyone can call Zaldívar a weather vane who moves the wind of his own interests, even a traitor, but he does know about Constitutional Law. Or has he forgotten?

AMLO’s Soft Coup

And yes. The time has come for the crematoriums of the National Defense Secretariat, like in Iguala. For the massacres, like that of the migrants who fell to the bullets of soldiers in Chiapas, last week. For the military occupation of the functions that correspond to civil society.

Since the financial conditions and orders from abroad were not met, the olive-green initiative was missing, although in the speeches and only in the speeches at Campo Marte ours is the traditional Army of Peace. They have shown enough skills in coups and military revolts throughout history.

And we need not be surprised. The gorillato of the recent past was a military coup that lasted more than half a century. We still remember the night that began on August 27, 1968. It is worth reminding the younger generations that on that fateful night the Army took control of Mexico City.

That the disagreements at the top of power over the succession of Gustavo Díaz Ordaz and the differences of nuance with the hawks in Washington led Fulton Freeman , the American ambassador, to call Marcelino García Barragán to account , to reproach him for not having killed the students in the Zócalo, and to offer him the Presidency of the country on a plate, prior to a coup d’état.

Seized by panic, the general secretary immediately went to Los Pinos to tell Díaz Ordaz what had happened, from whose mouth only came worse invectives and threats, reminding him of all the favors that the Jalisco divisionary owed to the system. García Barragán never recovered from the bad decision he had made.

But he left his descendants a collective fantasy of garlands, laurels, medals and olive branches, which never ended. To top off the inconsistency, there followed a trail of attacks, dungeons, tortures and prisons without parallel in the bodies and integrity of the great social fighters.

And in whose memory, the partisan descendants of the Morena supporters, whether we like it or not, today enact the worst part of the tragedy: being victims of their ignorance.

They are the ones who have dealt the country the Soft Coup and the possible and imminent Silent Coup, the one that will never dare to say its name, but which we already know is based on order and military discipline at all costs, before they lose even their family name.

And let’s forget the Midsummer Night’s Dream of the Fourth Transformation and its Second Floor.

Formal democracies and their institutions will no longer be seen as threats, but will be the perfect instrument to legitimize the usurpation of the State. The die may be cast, there is no turning back.

Fascism, the terminal solution, is all that remains.

He will appear with indelible faces to twist or compose, who knows, the assault on power.

This is what the failed Fourth Transformation will end up like: the Silent Coup, that cannibal perpetrated from the caverns of incompetence and tragic nonsense.

What have we done to deserve this fate?


I had the enormous privilege of knowing and dealing with the teacher Ifigenia Martínez during her first assignment as a federal deputy to the L Legislature (1976–1979) nominated by the PRI in which she militated until 1988, to join the movement led by Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas and Porfirio Muñoz Ledo , among others. In all the distinguished positions she occupied, she was consistent with her thinking and teachings at the now National School of Economics. The circumstances of her departure are regrettable. Rest in peace! * * * My recognition to you who have read this far. I wish you, as always, good thanks and many, many days!





Written by pacorodriguez

Periodista. Blande el Índice. Señala. Propone. Journalist. Brandishes the index finger. Points. Proposes.

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