It was AMLO who released the tiger; crime, lorded over

7 min readJan 9, 2024


In the most vile and devious way, Andrés Manuel López Obrador has already begun to instill fear among potential voters on the imminent June te 2nd.

He took his homeland, Tabasco, as an experimental laboratory to take over the psyche of those who foresee multiple criminal and violent acts before, during and after the elections. The long parade of political murders that we will endure has already begun with the execution of four candidates for elected office:

Ricardo Taja, in Guerrero…

Alfredo Giovanni Lezama, in Morelos…

Sergio Hueso, in Colima…

David Rey González, in Chiapas.

The four states misgoverned by Morena.

The four states where it has been disclosed that their “rulers” — Evelyn Salgado, Cuauhtémoc Blanco, Indira Vizcaíno and Rutilio Escandón — have active and/or passive links with organized crime.

Add to that the mass kidnappings and “riots” that are frequent in Tamaulipas, where another Morenista, Américo Villarreal Jr. , allied himself with drug traffickers to win his election…

… the same thing happens in Sonora, another border state with the US, where criminals have violently taken over highways and roads with checkpoints, to the astonishment and indolence of Alfonso Durazo, another Morenista, and…

…the frequent massacres in the Guerrero, where the true “ruler” is Félix Salgado Macedonio…

…the same in Michoacán and the State of Mexico where other graduates of the cherry elite, Alfredo Ramírez and Delfina Gómez, claim to have the reins …

… as well as in Guanajuato — an exception that confirms the rule — where it is the PAN member Diego Sinhué Rodríguez who governs.

AMLO released the tiger. The same violent animal that he announced in case he lost the 2018 elections again.

And he did it with his “policy” of “hugs and not shooting” criminals, because “they also have human rights.”

Criminals who should not be detained and prosecuted, but rather “accused by their parents and grandparents.”

Morena: disadvantage in the presidential elections

It’s about people not going out to vote. To keep people in their homes, fearing that, when they go to the polling station, they may throw the head of a human being, or that the ballot boxes are guarded by hitmen, or…

It is not invention. The citizens of the territorial West already suffered from it in 2021.

That is why the Morena candidates “won” the governorships and parliamentary majorities in Baja California, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Colima, Michoacán and, in the East, Tamaulipas.

Add now an escalation of car fires and assaults on businesses as the people of Tabasco have only experienced, in another entity also lacking a government, in the hands of the substitute Carlos Manuel Merino.

AMLO released the tiger because he knows he is at an electoral disadvantage. It has already been said many times: your candidate Claudia Sheinbaum does not catch on. Her voice was tired of her. The constant repetition of what the still President says in his matinees. And the lies that she has already started telling make her unviable for the majority. She reached the top of her in surveys paid for with treasury resources and already began to fall.

Meanwhile, her opponent, the opposition candidate The Hidalgo native’s star shines brighter every day.

And to all this add the mistakes that the liar from Palacio also makes day in and day out. His attacks on those who do not think like him, who were initially neglected, are now a cause for concern, since the gruesome attack suffered by journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva.

His impositions on the legislative bodies, which are then challenged in the Court, are also gross errors that present him not only as authoritarian, but what is worse is that he is also ignorant.

The little value of his word, by not fulfilling commitments; the same as their deadly attacks against the population by depriving them of medicines and regular medical services; the atrocious debt that future generations will pay not only with dollars, but also with the lack of services; the militarization of the country, and the corruption that, hand in hand with impunity, will characterize this six-year term like those that the country already suffered under Miguel Alemán, Carlos Salinas and Enrique Peña.

With all the above, can AMLO take over the soul and psyche of the Mexicans whom he has begun to terrorize with his criminal partners?

From June we will tame the tiger

The soul of the Mexican is a historical target of the constant attacks on public peace. Our land expresses a secular cry against the injustice led by leaders, puppets, and traitors without comparison possible in another latitude. Therefore, their collective unconscious does not refer to myths, heroes, ghosts or hopes, but to hard data that surround and harass miserable existence.

Our collective unconscious is not populated by mythologies, unbeatable heroes, or unrealizable fantasies. It is nourished by humiliation, humiliation, desire for demolition, insidiousness, barracks, riots, struggles of ambition, people condemned to hunger and unredeemed misery.

‎The feat of the Mexican soul is not to have allowed itself to be completely possessed by the idea of ​​death and failure. We would have many reasons to have anchored ourselves in those fixations. However, we have expressed our multiculturalism, our human contribution, and our great dimensions in all the arts, in all ways. The Mexican soul is universal.

And that universal soul will resist AMLO.

You’ll see.

The Mexican is an unbeatable being. Untamed. We have characteristics that many people envy, because despite long and gruesome stories of betrayal, we have survived with pride and hope. Every day we bravely cut the insurmountable knots that some privileged people entangle to perpetuate dynastic appetites. The 4T is no exception.

No one has been able to swallow the impulse, the drive of the Mexican whole. And they really have tried.

And today I don’t think López Obrador will achieve it.

Even when he sows terror, are they his allies and partners? of organized crime.

We will tame the tiger. Then we will take him to the taxidermist of History.

Or what do you think?


The term prosecution has already become synonymous with impunity. Neither the one in charge of Alejandro Gertz nor the state ones can commit crimes to the ever-increasing number of criminals in the country and that will continue to grow due to the passivity or even complicity of police, military, marines, national guards, agents. of the MP, judges, etc. They know they are protected. Unassailable. Society, meanwhile, unprotected. * * * In this area we must mention Ernestina Godoy, who, faced with the desperation of not being ratified — as she wants hers to be “carnala of her” Claudia Sheinbaum — resorts to desperate measures that, worst of all, turn out to be counterproductive. Already at odds with the PAN members for their accusations in the case of the so-called “Real Estate Cartel”, if she expected any PRI member to vote tonight, in the dark, in the Congress of CDMX for its ratification, she got the timing wrong and ordered the arrest , supposedly to present it, to the general secretary of the tricolor in the country’s capital. Energetic, Alejandro Moreno already gave a line to his bench: Godoy will not pass! Either way. Oooo another defeat for the favorite “corcholata” favored by AMLO’s finger. * * * Will Sheinbaum know what she says? According to her, they envy her for the elevated trolleybus that was built in a small part of the capital’s territory during her management as “regent.” Yes, sure. In Berlin, Paris, Beijing, Los Angeles, Buenos Aires and other national capitals they have already sent their scouts to see if this work is not dropped. * * * Terrible premiere of “the President’s Minister”. The SCJN rejected her intention to renounce the benefits enjoyed by her peers and to reduce her salary and that of her collaborators. Lenia Batres , who believed that her time at the high court would be a picnic, also complains about the plethora of issues to be resolved that are already on her desk, like those of any of her colleagues. * * * The outlook for Morena in Veracruz looks bad, unbelievably bad. Barely, the increasingly blurred Cuitláhuac García , another terrible “ruler” of the Morena crowd, was booed in front of López Obrador. His candidate, Rocío Nahle , is a foreigner. And the opposition, Pepe Yunes , has a long political career in the entity. * * * The opposition candidate in Morelos, Lucy Meza, has already donned the tiger tamer costume: “Morelos concluded the year occupying the first five places in high-impact crimes,” she said when lamenting the murder of Giovanni Lezama. She maintained that by 2024 there is no improvement in the security strategy. For this reason, she called on the people of Morelos, civil society, different sectors of the population, church leaders and professional associations to close ranks in favor of security and social peace. “We live in an emergency and the Cuauhtémoc Blanco government is overwhelmed in terms of security, proof of this is that in less than four days 12 murders have been recorded. We are talking about 3 homicides per day, this cannot continue happening.” She explained that Morelos families are in a profoundly serious state of helplessness, which we need to change to give them peace. “Our state comes from more than a thousand homicides committed in 2023, more than 80 femicides, home robberies, vehicle theft and even kidnappings.” The tiger, the tiger, well. * * * And that’s all for today. I wish you, as always, good thanks and many, many days!




Written by pacorodriguez

Periodista. Blande el Índice. Señala. Propone. Journalist. Brandishes the index finger. Points. Proposes.

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