Del Mazo complicated his succession * Millions for the daughters of Macedonio * Oaxaca: another place for the CJNG
It is known that many, almost all, politicians lack a word. The party in which they say military does not matter. Everyone, almost everyone, cheats.
And that is why, unnecessarily — and foolishly — Alfreditito del Mazo delayed the nomination of the Alliance candidate for governor of the State of Mexico, Alejandra del Moral .
I tell him:
Del Mazo invited the other pre-candidate for the position, Ana Lilia Herrera , to “have a cup of coffee” and ask for her support for Mrs. Alejandra. Let her join. That it was the most convenient for the recently reformed Alliance, etc., etc.
At first Mrs. Herrera accepted.
But, of course, he put some conditions on the table to accept the request of the state president.
Among others, that his closest collaborators would be assured of a political future — and perhaps even a financial one — with certain positions and the occasional perks.
Mrs. Ana Lilia’s intention was to leave the meeting with her requests resolved and, immediately after, approach Mrs. Del Moral and, in a photo that would surely monopolize front pages, they would appear together, the first raising her arm to the second.
And that didn’t happen.
Because, reluctantly, Del Mazo accepted.
But he countered Herrera’s requests — and unable to make decisions for himself — he told him to discuss these matters, those requests, with the Secretary General of the Government, Luis Felipe Puente .
What did Mrs. Herrera do then?
Well, instead of going to the place where the pre-candidate designated by the Alliance was already waiting for her, she went straight to her house.
She, like the majority of Mexicans and Mexicans in general, knew that in the end Alfreditito would come out with “a tray of drool” and non-compliance…
… because, I repeat, that’s how all, almost all, politicians are: they lack speech. The party in which they say military does not matter. Everyone, almost everyone, cheats.
In the end, seven former governors of the entity — most of them fanged — intervened and convinced Enrique Peña Nieto ‘s cousin that the sooner he decided to keep his word, the better it would be for the alliance.
And fulfilled…
… but it was more expensive for the still governor.
Advantage of Morena, traceable
The internal polls of the parties that are members of the Alianza Va por México –PAN, PRI, PRD– agree that, at this time, the advantage of Mrs. Delfina Gómez –who has gotten up very early and not for that reason has woken up so early– is remountable and that they will reach the day of the elections, whoever wins, with a difference of approximately 4 points, something like 400 thousand votes.
But already united and reunited, after the indecisions of Alfreditito Del Mazo-, the aliancistas are throwing all the meat on the grill.
To begin with, the former governors summoned former collaborators and businessmen who became rich during their respective governments to contribute work and resources to push forward Del Moral’s candidacy.
There are already more than 200 businessmen who have agreed.
And who is in charge of coordinating them is none other than the husband of the Alliance pre-candidate, Mariano González Aguirre who, although he is not dedicated to political activities, does carry that vocation and many lessons from his father, the former governor of Tlaxcala, in his blood. Mariano González Zarur , who after his government administration left his countrymen and voters satisfied with his work.
Is the advantage of the four players traceable?
400 thousand votes difference between first and second place?
We’ll see.
For now, the Alliance is reunited, despite the indecisions of the outgoing governor.
Well, nothing, that the four-year-old Salomón Jara arrived at the Oaxacan government and announced the arrival of “a spring for the entity.” But, everything indicates that this station is only for a few. Among others, the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel, which already has its doors wide open in the Isthmus area –precisely where the interoceanic railway is born–: Salina Cruz, Matías Romero, etc. A huge area that covers not only Oaxaca, but even Veracruz, where another incapable 4T leader, Cuitláhuac García , governs badly.. And is this expansion of the CJNG in payment for its contribution to the Morenista campaign and at the electoral polls? Who answers? * * * Read somewhere: That the misleading “Franciscan austerity” — preached by AMLO in his homilies at matinees in the National Palace — does “what the wind to Juárez” is to the members of the Salgado Pineda family, whose patriarch is Senator Félix Salgado Macedonio, since “they were dispatched with the pozole spoon” by 2023. They detail that only to the office of Governor Evelyn Salgado Pineda (Morena) — in charge of her sentimental partner Rubén Hernández Fuentes — 33 million pesos were assigned, which represents 21 million more than last year and almost three times more than what was programmed for the State Executive Commission for Attention to Victims, which only received 13 million pesos; but, in addition, the president of the state DIF, Luz Adriana Salgado Pineda , sister of Doña Evelyn, will have 853 million 211 thousand pesos at her disposal, a figure higher than that of the local Congress and just below the Superior Court of Justice. Like this or more lace? So. Well, it is a fact that the cuatroteros seek power not to serve, but to serve themselves, and thus become members of the court of “The King of Cash”. * * * By the way, after learning that the CDMX Prosecutor’s Office, in charge of Ernestina Godoy, initiated a judicial persecution of the writer Elena Chávez for “get these fleas out of here”, it is verified once again that the prosecution of justice in the national capital is point more than politicized. One precedent, among many, is his express opinion in which he exonerated the mischievous Yasmín Esquivel Mossa from the highly proven criminal charge of intellectual property theft, for that of the graduate thesis copied from another UNAM student. * * * And as of Monday, the trial has already formally begun in Brooklyn, NY, where “The Titanium Police” –as certain colleagues called him– Genaro García LunaHe is the one who is sitting on the accused bench. There will be transcendent revelations and verification of versions that I advanced here during the fallacious and deadly calderonato that, in due course, we will comment here. * * * That’s all for today. Thanks for reading this text. As always, you know, I wish you good thanks and many, many days!