Chairopopulism for one hundred years?

7 min readJan 7, 2024


The little government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador is a kind of sixty-year-old Fight Committee of fossil chairos who have taken over the national institutions and do not want to let them go. The motivations, as always, are fueled by envy, pride, and the fight against progress.

Experts in harboring hatred, in dividing Mexicans, in confronting, fighting, deceiving, lying, stealing, betraying, and killing in complicity with criminals as a way of life, they collect credentials from voters, regarding fraudulent raffles, delivery of articles of necessity, consultations that constitute frauds on the law, deceptive harangues of false prophets of destruction.

An uncontrolled madman insists on shouting in front of the desert wasteland, in front of nothingness, with witchcraft and illegal national symbols, with sets tailored to his egomania, in a confined Historical Center, reduced to the size of his smallness and his unconstitutional cowardice, every time he feels like it or feels threatened.

The national scene is reduced to their desperation. Trapped by its voracity, ignorance, and incompetence, it wants to scream wildly about its own tragedy.‎ As never before, there is an urgent need for a straitjacket, for the participation of specialists, before this country forever regrets not having done so when was required.

Neither the bits of the fraudulent raffle nor the signatures necessary to carry out the foolishness of the rigged consultations have been completed. But that doesn’t matter, he is capable of fighting with the Supreme Court of Justice to propose in Congress that judges, magistrates, and ministers be elected at the polls.

Desperate, AMLO wants to achieve an electoral roll that will allow them to continue thriving in the seizure of oil wells in Tabasco, in the imaginary strike on Paseo de la Reforma, which portrays their past, which gives meaning to their life. . Claudia Sheinbaum, the designated “corcholata”, fills the suitcases of the deputies to the Congress of CDMX so that her carnal prosecutor is re-elected…

… well, the late Porfirio Muñoz Ledo said it: there is Morena in power for a hundred years.

Everyone emulates Layda Sansores , governor of Campeche, in those acts of lambisconería that elevated her. You remember that she dared to say that a chairo of that saving size like the current one was only born every hundred years. Make me the joke!

Insults for those who think differently

Getting to nothing is the destiny of Mexico. Dock in the port of chairopopulism, continue making an international fool of yourself, set up fantastic gallows, twist the neck of the goose, until it is proven that all this is the whirlwind of madness, of economic disaster, of the paradise of the dead due to incompetence.

The Fossil Struggle Committee will have fulfilled its objective embodied in the so-called New Mexican School and materialized in the Chairos Textbooks: dismay and obscenity, in the face of a country demoralized and destroyed in its fundamental bases. A country up to its neck in debt in exchange for not having resolved anything. The wasteland of madness: the pockets of the population dry and squeezed, zero jobs, zero economic activities, zero hope.

The eldest chairo, at dawn, wrapped in a blanket with the image of a tiger, fuels hatred and fear, builds the pyres of distrust, fuels the resentment that allows him another fortnight in charge of the town, more business for his relatives. close friends, more perks and concessions for their friend capitalism partners: Slim, Bremer, Chávez, et al.

Lies and slander, falsehoods, and accusations against the enemies of their deranged creed. A chain of insults for those who commit the crime of thinking differently, with a sensible perspective. The justice administration and investigation apparatus, subject to his slight whims. Everyone fooled ad nauseum. That is what he believes in his brain possessed by evil and inconsistency.

If there were thirty million votes?

Everything is bought with our tax money. A prosecutor like that, a Financial Intelligence Unit obedient to his whims of freezing the accounts of opponents, that’s where former governors, municipal presidents, councils, budgets come in, everything that serves the whim of the Caudillo of a bedroll.

Alonso Ancira, the one who demanded the unconstitutionality of the electoral-comic-musical matinees and their contents, is accused of the crime of having made a very favorable deal years ago with the government. In response, the lonely little man from the Palace makes him return what he won. The total violation of all legal principles of sales contracts.

But the idea is not to judge the regime or the little person of Enrique Peña Nieto or his henchmen, but to put all the force of the State on the one they cannot judge. The ridiculous, the total birlibirloque. Nothingness as the supreme reason for morons. Coming to nothing is his destiny and his motivation, uneducated, boastful, once again rich.

AMLO and his four-tier gang are inveterate thieves. Able to sell their soul and their empty brain for a basket of applause, for a bag of illegal votes, for fifteen minutes of fame on the home screen. In events without people who are not carried. At the time, the pandemic suited them like a glove, as it saved them from the bear of no longer being able to fill the Zócalo with unconditional fans.

The raffles for the fraudulent pieces, the lack of signatures to request the hollow consultations, the collection of credentials from those in need of scarce food, prove that the famous thirty million votes never existed, except in the accounts of the signatories of the Impunity Pact EPN-AMLO prevailing.

AMLO also agreed with Donald Trump

But it also shows that López’s arrival to power was the product of another non-aggression pact, this one, signed in New York, under the proverbial direction and advice of El Innombrable , whom he does not know today and who wants to make him a goat for the tamales. He wants me to return the signed document in his handwriting.

As always, he intends to erase history. The one that indicates how their Strike Committee was born, the one that has the country in collapse. It is too late, the traces of corruption in this and in all cases are indelible, like the ink that was erased from the voter credentials. Like all the grievances that have the population sick and tired.

The Impunity Pact with the heads of the country’s economy, plus the New York Pact with Donald Trump, will remain for immediate history, the one that is known when the chairopopulism of a hundred years has passed away. When the acts of treason of this collective nightmare that has been the Fourth Deception can truly be judged.

‎Time is the executioner of lies, cowardly crimes, betrayal and rampant corruption. We Mexicans deserve to know the truth.

Don’t you believe?


The leader must already be satisfied. He has already reached Nirvana of popularity, after the council of Motul, Yucatán, declared him a “national hero.” He is already on par with Hidalgo, Morelos, Juárez, Madero, Cárdenas and others who appear in his propaganda. But we should remind him of what he said in March 2016, when another lazy and clueless crazy man, like Yucatecan mayor Roger Aguilar Arroyo now, also made the same simile with Enrique Peña Nieto: “From Tepeojuma, Puebla, Andrés Manuel López Obrador He assured that the PRI member Enrique Peña Nieto has no comparison with the heroes who gave homeland and freedom to Mexicans. Before those attending one of his many rallies, he asked some questions: what does Peña have to do with Miguel Hidalgo or José María Morelos y Pavón who gave their lives for the people, what does Peña have to do with Benito Juárez who was austere, republican, honest? What does Peña have to do with Francisco I. Madero or with Francisco Villa or Emiliano Zapata or with General Lázaro Cárdenas del Río? To which he responded that nothing, because Enrique Peña is a self-conscious and corrupt little pharaoh,” according to a bulletin published on those dates on the page. It’s worth asking, then, what makes it different from EPN? * * * “He who kills iron dies with iron,” goes the saying. And that is what happened to the presiding judge of the TEPJF, Mónica Soto. She led the revolt to snub the annual report presented by her predecessor Della Reyes Rodríguez before the plenary session of the SCJN, which only Janine Otálora attended. These two abstained from attending, now, his enthronement in office which, together with the Felipes — De la Mata and Fuentes — he achieved based on cheap “grids” and, of course, with the support of the 4T. The integrity of the Court is in question. * * * How AMLO likes to be “Uncle Lolo.” The National Guard, which constitutionally must be civilian, already is, once again… but remains under the aegis of the Secretariat of National Defense. How will the Court rule on this other presidential nonsense? * * * Morena’s dirty war in CDMX has already begun. They dressed Haitian migrants in the colors of National Action, gave them flags with the logo of the blue and white party, took photographs of them and spread them on networks to discredit the pre-campaign closure of the opposition Santiago Taboada. Only the novates of the “grid” went with the feint” * * * It would be better that Cuauhtémoc Blanco and all his relatives obtain protection from the imminent risk of being prosecuted for countless crimes as soon as Lucy Meza, the candidate of the Frente Amplio por México takes office as governor. The polls give her a more than wide margin over her Morenista opponent since the people of Morelos are already tired of being treated “in the ass.” * * * And that’s all for today. I wish you, as always, good thanks and many, many days!




Written by pacorodriguez

Periodista. Blande el Índice. Señala. Propone. Journalist. Brandishes the index finger. Points. Proposes.

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