Calderón: Is he or did he become an asshole with García Luna? * Carlos Olmos, in prison. And the others?
A few six-year terms ago, the desk of the person who then wore the presidential sash across his chest received a card in which the State intelligence services concisely informed him that, at that time, six fine steeds that a drug trafficker were boarding at a German airport from the north of the country, he ordered them to be brought as gifts to the person who then dispatched in the main office in Lomas de Sotelo, his Secretary of National Defense.
The then President of the Republic called his most trusted adviser on security matters. And he asked her what to do? He did not want to confront the head of the SEDENA, since such implied a kind of challenge to the Armed Forces. But he didn’t want to let this delicate matter go blank either.
The counselor resolved the conflict with a suggestion. Send a card to all the secretaries of the Presidential Office in which only one legend was written: “Sooner or later the presidents find out about everything.”
What if. Sometimes when it’s too late, but they always let them know even what they don’t even want to believe in.
This real life anecdote comes to mind about the case of the spurious former president Felipe del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa, who in different statements to the media has feigned insanity and has denied having been aware of the many illegal activities –kidnappings, robberies , a partnership with organized crime for which he is now being tried in Brooklyn, NY, etc.– that his Secretary of Public Safety, Genaro García Luna , carried out while he was in office.
Of course he was aware.
Of course, like that other former head of the Federal Executive, he was afraid to challenge him.
Or it is also possible that he became an asshole because he participated in the “profits” that his closest collaborator, right-hand man, confidant, friend, drunkard, brought him closer.
Because he’s not an asshole, he’s not an asshole.
Alive, very alive, even enough to steal a presidential election, on the other hand, it is.
Slim — García Luna: blackmailing Calderón
With no other help than his prodigious memory, Gramsci wrote, from dark and infamous dungeons, the 2,848 pages that make up his book Cuadernos de la Cárcel , in which he recognized the essentially revolutionary character of some Medieval thinkers, ahead of their time. .
He came to establish that “the State has the legitimate monopoly of violence.” Of course, he never imagined that in the future there could be a political power that would be maintained through the exclusive use of force, “since the values of security, he maintained, must emanate from the whole of society.”
Much less did he imagine that the legitimate monopoly of violence, in the absence of authority, was going to fall into the ruthless control of a cruel, repressive, intolerant, abusive, cybernetic-business neo-fascism, in the hands of the systemite gendarme, Carlos Slim, and of brainless titanium policemen — that’s what those who now don’t know how to back down called him in their political columns — like Genaro García Luna.
They spied on all of us!
Calderón knew it, because he himself was being spied on.
Would you be afraid of them?
Is that why he was not acting against the salinista tycoon and his own friend, confidant and secretary of the Presidential Office?
What is still unknown is if he did not say anything because he was stupid or because he was being stupid.
Vicente Fox was the “inventor” of García Luna
In 2010 I published that it was Vicente Fox who put the Church in the hands of Luther. Just how it sounds. He entrusted the task of security to the least reliable policeman, to whom he is capable of selling his most beloved relative for a few cents, or for a load of pollen. He enabled none other than Genaro García Luna, with very fresh memories, all despicable, for that task.
And do you know what the first thing García Luna did — who knows if with sarcasm or not, they call The Titanium Police ? — was to disappear the Federal Judicial Police because they were corrupt!
I eat? Why corrupt? Yes, the last four years, from 1996 to 2001, when García Luna founded the AFI, the Judiciary was in the hands of the military.
No one dared then to refute the wiles of someone who at that time still stuttered like a machine gun — in Calderón’s six-year term he took diction classes and was attended by specialists in ortolalia — by pointing out corruption in the ranks of the Armed Forces. Not even the National Defense itself winked.
But the plain truth was that the military was also corrupted!
For Calderón, García Luna was the best
When the bogus FeCal was still occupying Los Pinos militarily, I also published the following here:
The intoxicated Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa declared war on drug trafficking, and still no one can explain why, if it was not to comply with the orders of the gabachos, issued through his go-and-tell Jeffrey Davidow , a partner in various coups State in Latin America, and several suitcases of millions of dollars, which he shared with García Luna, for whom he created a Secretary of the Office, after he disappeared the AFI of his own creation… because it was corrupt!
Calderón took the Army out of the barracks and put the return to the front line of command of national stability and governance on a silver platter, also with no idea what that was about. To the asshole, then.
They knew about fajinas, assault in uninhabited areas, shooting at the counter without asking, fanciful logistics of burning narcotics, charging commissions in Plan DN III E… and stop telling them.
After the orders of the Supreme Commander of the Army, the spurious and drunken Calderón, and when the Gabachos saw that no one was resisting these national nonsense, the Heads of the Pentagon in Washington took the world by storm and went head-on, until they achieved his current ambition: to integrate the security of the country to the criteria of those who take care of the internal security of the United States. And do what you want.
Since public security was militarized, things have gotten worse
What is a fact is that, since 1996, when the judiciary was militarized, when the governors left the police commanders of their respective entities in the hands of elderly generals already retired from the Army, citizen security began to suffer from that of Cain.
Today, all the ideas that are supposedly produced within the fantochada that at 6 in the morning in the National Palace –the one that Andrés Manuel López Obrador is said to always lead as a prelude to his matinee– are generated abroad by gyrfalcons of which we know neither the face nor the name. Almost all of them are written in the genius side offices of the Gabacho Embassy.
And those ideas are the ones that gave coverage to the actions of García Luna and his gang.
The Army pretended to take care of and protect the citizens in the entities of the Republic.
And from the national capital, in the García Luna Public Security Secretariat, who for Calderón was the best, kidnapped, robbed, directed assemblies and, of course, offered protection to criminal groups in exchange for many millions of dollars.
Did the spurious Calderón know about all this?
Or was he stupid?
I conclude that he did know and that, for fear of what will begin to emerge from the García Luna trial in Brooklyn today, it was that he cowardly fled to Spain.
Or what do you think?
Contrary to my habit of writing good or bad about press officers –some of whom become billionaires using the names of journalists whom they claim to “control”–, it is not without regret that I inform you that, since the end of December 2022, the public relations man Carlos Olmos Tomasini is interned in the Reclusorio Oriente of CDMX, accused of various crimes related to the use of millionaire public resources while he held the position of communicator for the Ministry of Health of the failed government of the spurious Felipe Calderón, as here I told you about it on June 24, 2013, under the heading “SSA: Sick Advertising”. Linked to the media since 1979, when this writer introduced him to different colleagues and politicians, his defense was assumed by the director of a recently created newspaper at the head of the legal team of the newspaper itself. Those who were spokesmen for FeCal in Los Pinos, Maximiliano Cortázar, Alejandra Sota and, among others, a businessman who sells outdoor advertising on the sides of urban buses should also appear in the criminal case . * * * The documentary “ The Money Revolution “ that the @adnopinion team broadcast on Saturday through the adn40 signal is excellent.One request: rebroadcast it several more times and at different times, since viewers must know everything that is revealed there and that until today was practically unknown to many of us. Congratulations! * * * And that’s all for today. I appreciate your reading this text and, as always, I wish you good thanks and many, many days!