Cabinets: Names and more names

7 min readJun 22, 2024


Historically, in two hundred years the composition of the cabinets in Mexico and the respective political successions constituted a puzzle that was difficult to understand, because the representatives of the groups emerged from the ruler’s authentic needs to surround himself with loyal and trustworthy people.

Many times, for example during the fight against the interests of the Church and the agrarian potentates, fueled by external interests, Benito Juárez had to move important pieces of his team, because the cockpit was altered due to the repeated permanence in power of who would later be named Benemérito of the Americas .

This is what happened with the essential Francisco Zarco, Ignacio Ramírez El Nigromante , Manuel González Ortega, Ignacio Manuel Altamirano and Guillermo Prieto, who when they were removed for seeking the hand of “Doña Leonor”, ​​caused real storms in Juárez’s claims to retain support. of Abraham Lincoln against internal pressure groups and European imperial ambitions to penetrate the hegemonic zone of the northern neighbor.

The four-year term of Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada — “The Celestial Bachelor”, Ralph Roeder said — was content with resting his period on the unconditional support of José María Lafragua and Manuel Romero Rubio in Foreign Affairs and Ignacio Mejía and Mariano Escobedo, his consented generals, in War and Navy.

José María Iglesias, in his brief interim term, reincorporated the dissidents of Juárez into political power, already far removed from the “presidential” desires.

But when Don Porfirio arrived, that was a different story.‎ Supported, in his 30 years of dictatorship, by men like Ignacio L. Vallarta, José María Mata, Protasio Tagle, Vicente Riva Palacio, Matías Romero, Manuel González Cosío, Felipe Berriozábal, Justo Sierra, Jorge Vera Estañol and José Yves Limantour , was able to weather all the pressures, until his resignation on May 25, 1911.

From the sad period of Francisco I. Madero, only the figures of Manuel Calero in Foreign Relations and Abraham González in the Interior are remembered. ‎All the others were members of the old Porfirismo.

The revolutionary era

Contrary to what was thought, the team of the traitor Victoriano Huerta was politically more solid, a product of the advice of the United States ambassador Henry Lane Wilson . Collaborating with him were Federico Gamboa, Querido Moheno, José López Portillo (four months in Relations), Aureliano Urrutia, Toribio Esquivel Obregón and Manuel Mondragón (grandfather of the current impostor).

Venustiano Carranza formed a cabinet for eternity. The names of Plutarco Elías Calles, Isidro Fabela, Jesús Urueta, Félix Fulgencio Palavicini, Alberto J. Pani, Manuel Aguirre Berlanga, Zubirán, Cándido Aguilar, Pastor Rouaix, Luis Cabrera, and José Natividad Macías , made a team that the “old king” Fernando Benítez said he did not deserve it.

Adolfo de la Huerta’s interim term was saved by a single figure: Salvador Alvarado .

Álvaro Obregón formed an entire lineage in his luxury cabinet: Colunga, Sáenz, Calles, Pani, Benjamín Hill, Estrada, Alessio Robles, Vasconcelos, Pérez Treviño . Quite a deck!

Calles, the same, with Joaquín Amaro, Adalberto Tejeda, Morones, Puig Casauranc , plus those from Obregón.

But after the murder of El Manco , he served himself with the big spoon during the maximato that he established. All political talents were included. Of course, they only obeyed him. Until Bassols, Marte R. Gómez and Lázaro Cárdenas were secretaries with portfolio, without distinction of four-year terms.

In Cardenismo, not to mention. After expelling Calles, he stayed with the strongest pillar, the ideologue of the Revolution, Francisco J. Múgica .

The civilians arrived… and the looting

American pressure did not allow Múgica’s anointing. They paved the dirt road for President Caballero , Manuel Ávila Camacho , who was enthralled by the personality of his Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Alemán Valdés .

‎But the Alemanista cabinet was the closest to the political metamorphosis of a country. More than their ministers, they remember the group of businessmen, scoundrels without portfolios who dominated the country: Justo Fernández, Pasquel, Pagliai, Trouyet, Perrusquía . Yes, the “civilians” arrived, and with them, a predation apparatus that all the ambitious have wanted to imitate. Adolfo Ruiz Cortines came to clean with verbal “morality”. He overthrew more than a dozen governors appointed by his predecessor, but now of succession he made the most sensible decision.

Adolfo López Mateos arrived and obeyed the generational order of promotion and permeability.

Gustavo Díaz Ordaz , with a cabinet of professionals… even of intrigue and simulation like Luis Echeverría , who managed to get it into the head of GDO, Maximino Ávila Camacho ‘s eternal bootlicker, that the enemy was not him, but international communism.

Once anointed, the mendacious Basque had to assemble his team based on the crude morality of the “tlatelolcazo”, with kids who were never in the student movement. And the repression continued, paradoxically. Porfirio Muñoz Ledo and Augusto Gómez Villanueva took his measurement… And that’s how it turned out for us!

The leap of generations began. LEA decided on López Portillo, who had “taken a chance” in 1969 with Emilio Martínez Manautou, from the now defunct Secretariat of the Presidency, GDO’s wife’s family doctor. When it came time to choose, she chose the groom and groom of his family: Miguel de la Madrid .

The Gray Man, a figure who was made into the “little squares”, the “little balls” and the “little arrows” of the tax statistics, brought with him an unbridled claque of ambitious and arrogant people, who did what José María Córdoba Montoya thought. , a spy for the financial empire of the IMF and the World Bank, whose ideology was to extinguish the welfare state. He achieved it, and even today his Salinista admirers continue to boast that they did “what was best for the country.”

They were the first generation of gringos born in the Narvarte Colony of CDMX. The “technocracy” of huarache with the flag of annexationist surrenders high above.

The “organic intellectuals” selling their pens at a gold price. The government, buying them at what they thought they cost. Little people who had the scissors of unemployment and productivity as the great method and continue to think that poverty, unemployment, and hunger is just a “genius myth.” They were educated to serve the gringos. Execrable.

The hour of the political mice ‎

Already in clear free fall of the system, the standard bearer of “occasion” was the traitor Ernesto Zedillo , anointed not by Carlos Salinas, but by Bill Clinton , a cachanilla little person, with no more joke than to finish everything off, and then sell it to the gringos as “state secrets”, so that they would hire him as an employee of the same consortia that he had served on his knees. Elected by chance at the polls, thanks to the “fear” that the peace marketers instilled in Mexican society, in the face of the “threat” of the revolt of Chiapas with wooden rifles. The bear, a birlibirloque bigger than the one in the “pie war”.

Then, the failure of Pancho Labastida , urged by Emilio Gamboa , his “campaign manager” to hand over the things to the “presidential couple”, a duo of “good consciences” who were not only satisfied with finishing perfecting the maquiladora model, but made the country a “denominational protectorate,” in which the anniversaries of the Constitution and the Revolution were celebrated with Te Deum masses in the metropolitan Cathedral. A group of prudish and modest people formed one of the most harmful cabinets in history with the Fox — Sahagún couple. Da güeva until you remember their Cristero names and surnames.

The chosen one, Felipe Calderón , caused the country to become bloodied. With a quota of one hundred thousand dead and dismembered, he paid his promise to the gringo ambassador that, if he received his support, he would privatize everything. He allowed Genaro García Luna to get his favorites out of the way, to enthrone himself as lord and master of business, security, and television scenes of crime persecution. Lying and stupid arrogance, as hallmarks. Until the people, tired of so much chaos, voted for those who believed they knew how to do it, the “dinosaurs” of the PRI, but they were no longer the same.

They turned out to be some political rats, who promised to put an end to PAN corruption in one hundred days and fell into a worse quagmire.‎ The party that nominated them was suddenly filled with kids, daddy’s sons, with suits and sports cars worth hundreds of people. thousands of pesos and dollars, surrounded by obsequious and strong men, without a job or benefit, and handing over all the productive businesses in the country to disastrous outsourcing, destroying the employment plant and the social institutions of security, food, health, housing, employment, and expenditure control.

Not only is it annoying, but it is also irritating to talk about the members of Andrés Manuel López Obrador ‘s cabinet who have practically disappeared from the map, who only takes them out of their cage offices to display them as rare pieces at his palatial matinees. In this latest mess, public opinion asked for a crisis cabinet, and AMLO came out with a cabinet crisis.‎ They believe that they are governing “a small inn, which looked like a restaurant.” Before, those who aspired were men. Today they are little mice.

We have fallen exceptionally low.


Except for Ernestina Godoy , who will assume the Legal Department of the Federal Executive Branch, the appointments that Claudia Sheinbaum announced this Thursday are of characters who are not in the group of Morena’s “tough ones.” Marcelo Ebrard, Juan Ramón de la Fuente, Rosaura Ruiz, Alicia Bárcenas and Julio Berdegué have degrees obtained from foreign universities. It could be said that they are “fifís”, although they all come from the AMLO government. * * * And that’s all for today. My appreciation to you for having read this far. As always, I wish you good thanks and many, many days!




Written by pacorodriguez

Periodista. Blande el Índice. Señala. Propone. Journalist. Brandishes the index finger. Points. Proposes.

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