Bejarano & Padierna Ltd. to Infonavit?

7 min readJul 16, 2024


With a guilty attitude, the then presidential candidate Claudia Sheinbaum reported in April that she will build 1 million accessible homes for the Mexican population, to remedy the deficiencies in the matter.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador promised the same thing in February 2020 and did not deliver.

Three months ago, when the commitment of the now triumphant candidate was established, the experience that has been lived in Mexico with some of Sheinbaum’s co-religionists, Dolores Padierna and René Bejarano , among others, surely came to the minds of many.

There have been deficiencies in housing, it is true. But also, many excesses. And corruption skyrocketed.

Tell me if this is not the case when every day, we hear from the foreign press about acquisitions by wealthy Mexican millionaires in the capitals that house Gran Vía, the Ring Strasse or Avenue Foch — not to mention the recently highly publicized depas in Houston, San Antonio, Manhattan, and Miami — that take anyone’s breath away.

Because the same people who waste money abroad live here lamenting the poverty that exists in the country.

But until that, we are splendid with the full range of corruption.

Not long ago, the ’85 earthquake left many crying in the streets. Immediately, the government requested a loan from the World Bank of five hundred million dollars to “leave everything as it was.”

An ambitious housing reconstruction program that, its operators said, was the product of the efforts and demands of civil society, and that consumed all the capabilities of the device. Everything, to cover the male’s eye.

Builders who violated the law by building with inappropriate materials, with distorted calculations, in contraindicated places, went unpunished. No one was drawn to it. They even attended as guests of honor to cut the ribbon on the new buildings, financed with loans at extremely high interest rates. More was missing!

To “compensate” the grievance to the deceased — more than one hundred thousand –, the Bejaranos were gifted, as you hear, all the land whose ownership was not justified, in the perimeters of the Historic Center, so that they could develop their private businesses, real estate and construction.

Thus, was born the great company “Nueva Tenochtitlán”, baptized with the same name as the proletarian colony of Mexico City where the “graceful” members of the René Bejarano — Dolores Padierna couple, Variable “Quality” Joint Stock Company, saw their first light.

When the episode of the leagues occurred for whom, Carlos Ahumada was brought to Mexico again for the 4T, no one had the face to complain. The major issue had been passed through a “bain-marie”. The Bejaranos were just other creatures of the State. The handlers had been manipulated. And today, with their expertise, they are in no position to be the ones to build the million houses that AMLO owes us the million that Sheinbaum committed to, don’t you think?

The 4T “disappeared” social housing

At the height of rampant corruption, when the capacity of officials was not measured with the absurd yardstick of 90% loyalty to the Caudillo plus 10% capacity in the task assigned, when the initiatives of the population were not curtailed by attributing conservative burdens to them, a rare bird flourished that today is conspicuous by its absence: social housing.

Those were the times when the presidents of the Republic became partners in the so-called “housing groups.” Times in which social justifications were not required, nor the quality of the materials, nor the effects that overcrowding and the narrowness of the dwellings would cause, but rather “how much is yours and how much is for me.”

Times, too, when the only resources that exist today had not been thrown down the drain, the billions of pesos that have been squandered on electoral and inefficient programs, when the credit rating agencies had not thrown our credit in the trash, when the morning nonsense, there was international recognition for popular housing programs.

Even a few years ago, international financial organizations lavished praise on the social vocation of Mexican governments. It is not about praising the past, about accepting that when public apparatuses worked, the prestige of social programs was far above the administrative disaster that is so much questioned today.

The treasury, for the cult of the Caudillo

The profound contradiction is that, from the public gallows that unconscious cuatroteros manipulate today, the bases of popular progress are demolished, while resources are used for the cult of the Caudillo, and all those lines that were previously destined, precisely, to promote the progress of the neediest population, the vulnerable segments of society.

The popular housing policy does not exist today. While, in 2017, one before the hordes of the 4T arrived, the Annual Meeting of Latin American Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank, one of the most solid institutions in housing financing, recognized continentally the Mexican program of Neighborhood and Community Improvement, as well as women’s empowerment policies, advising their inclusion in all protocols in Latin America and the Caribbean.

They all agreed in expressing at the Meeting in Asunción, Paraguay, that “collecting taxes from citizens and returning them in full so that they can decide what actions for improvement and human growth should be applied, is an act of congruence, transparency, accountability. accounts and social justice.” Nothing else, but nothing less.

There were continental recognitions

The governors gathered in Paraguay then assured that “more than 60% of the five thousand projects that have been executed in the Neighborhood and Community Improvement Program of Mexico have been promoted by women, which demonstrates their contribution to the empowerment of that sector. of the population, with works that promote their personal, family, and social development: training, economic well-being, strengthening the environment and support for the community.” Thus, with all its letters.

Such is the manifesto of international recognition that none of the failed little programs of the petulant Short Transformation have been able to achieve. In exchange for that, today international organizations dedicate themselves every other day to seriously warning us that we are set in failure.

There was not a single electoral program of the government of so-called brave honesty, which proclaims “the poor first”, that has obtained the financial support of the continental community. On the contrary, the credits that the 4T had requested from the International Monetary Fund were lost thanks to the Caudillo’s foolish attitude.

The billion and a half pesos that this regime contracted in 2020 to make a cushion and dedicate them in the following fortnights to importing food and popular subsistence in the face of the imminent agricultural crisis and famine, were lost, due to the ambition of leading the Bolivarian movement, a fantasy that only existed in the head of the Tabasco paladin.

And by taking the lamp to the streets and favoring the recovery of the Argentine government, of the Fernández-Kirchners, at the first opportunity the ground was given up so that the gauchos could obtain that fund of money and apply it to their battered economy. Make me the joke !

AMLO’s siftings are useless

Instead of addressing the enormous and important needs of the population, instead of taking advantage of existing resources to build decent housing, respect the housing environment, legally regularize the land, honor the traditions of public space, the current regime opted for the false door of throwing the remaining money into feeding the Caudillo’s electoral ambitions.

This is one of the failures that reveals the authoritarian and despotic character of the prevailing regime. Its deficient performance in the face of those governed.

In times of vilified neoliberalism, social housing programs were applied by the peñanietismo agreement with the PRD of Mexico City.

They were replicated in unison in twelve entities of the Federation: Michoacán, Tlaxcala, Durango, Chihuahua, Chiapas, Tabasco, Nuevo León, Quintana Roo, Aguascalientes, Sinaloa, and Coahuila. Everyone could.

And if the above were not enough, its protocols were fully applied in more than fifteen regions on the five continents: Colombia, Dubai, Kuwait, Ukraine, China, Lithuania, Panama, they were initiated in Australia and in African regions with our relative degree of growth. A slap of reality to the cheeks of the four-legged, who today struggle with apathy and conformism.

Given this evidence, we all wonder where are the social policies so vaunted by Cuatroté? Where was the billion and a quarter peso of the budget that was thrown down the drain in search of popularity and electoral acceptance? What purpose are the illusions of Santa Lucía, the Mayan Train, the Refinery, the Transisthmian, the National Guard, the promised and announced rescue of Pemex, and so many nonsenses that we have had to swallow?

The social housing program, which the four people in power do not know what it is for or why it is eaten, is palpable proof of the ignorance, corruption, and explicit incapacity of a government of friends and loyalists who are dedicated to fleece without any result.

‎And yet‎, the four people continue throwing stones at their own roof, without knowing that they are destroying what little there was and leaving a worse country for their children and grandchildren.

What a disgrace!


Carlos Martínez Velázquez , general director of the Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers (Infonavit), assured that the institute estimates an investment of 250 billion pesos for the housing construction program of the virtual president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum. “We have been helping to estimate that Infonavit could invest 250 billion pesos throughout the next administration to build and construct 500,000 additional homes.” Can you imagine how much the “moches” of that budget will amount to? Because in the basement, first and second floor of the Fourth Transformation, everything is still corruption. * * * And that’s all for today, my personal recognition to you who read this opinion space and, as always, I wish you good thanks and many, many days!




Written by pacorodriguez

Periodista. Blande el Índice. Señala. Propone. Journalist. Brandishes the index finger. Points. Proposes.

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