Because of AMLO, Morena lost twenty-two million votes

5 min readNov 12, 2023


Of the thirty million votes that Morena obtained in 2018, there is only one vote left.

What is the cause?

Well, due to the authoritarianism of Andrés Manuel López Obrador –its founder and guide–…

…as much as for his stubbornness and immobility of strange ideas, most of them inherited from the decades of the sixty’s and seventy’s of the previous century…

… for abjuring the principles — “do not lie, do not steal, do not betray” — that brought him to power…

…for not fulfilling the commitments he made in his three successive presidential campaigns…

…for the insults and lies or “other information” that he daily launches with impunity from his electoral-comic-musical matinees…

… just as for having exacerbated polarization throughout the national territory…

… but due to the lack of attention to the main problems of Mexicans, such as security, health, education, housing, law enforcement…

…and, of course, for having scared and scared away national and foreign investment, which has had an impact on elevated levels of formal unemployment…

…among many other calamities.

So, as the well-known phrase goes, if the elections were held at this time, your favored “corcholata” would barely reach a little more than eight million votes…

… with everything and the waste of public resources and very possibly even the corruption and drug trafficking that its “destapador” AMLO has “invested” in promoting it for more than two years now.

Add to this the lack of charisma, empathy, and ideas of Mrs. Claudia Sheinbaum and it will have a calamitous result for the AMLO Movement, which will thus see its desire to perpetuate itself through her frustrated.

Eight million votes!

Nothing else!

Where does this figure come from?

Of studies and projections that have been carried out periodically by members of the Professional Career Service of the National Electoral Institute committed to democracy, a number that I reveal with their authorization, but withholding their names to avoid the reprisals that are characteristics of the ill-fated Fourth Transformation.

Eight million votes!

Nothing else!

AMLO’s desperation

I am sure that after you have known this poor number of votes, less than the 9 million votes that the PRI Francisco Labastida obtained against Vicente Fox in 2000, you will understand the reason for the desperation of the National Palace showman who Every day he insults more, he lies more, but more than anything he wants more and more resources to buy votes at the polls on the first Sunday of June next year.

Budget cuts have that objective…

…in addition, of course, to continuing to inject good money into the bad works that are the flagship of the 4T.

Desperate, too, because his “corcholata” is crushed.

He does not catch on no matter how many questionable figures such as the still minister Arturo Zaldívar or turncoats from other political franchises who approach Morena to get another “bone” that keeps them in the limelight and in the opulence that being a politician gives.

Sheinbaum doesn’t turn on.

And with only eight million votes…

…the Morenista disaster is sung.

Don’t you believe?


An old political saying goes that, if you suck, it doesn’t make you a lady’s breast or a gentleman’s penis. And that is what the still minister Arturo Zaldívar wants to continue doing. Although you must understand it. Egotistical, arrogant, he could not resist being the scourge of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, where he surely received the disdain of his counterparts for his partiality in matters that were convenient for López Obrador, but above all for his lack of respect for the Constitution which he swore to defend when he was appointed to the honorable position, although he did not have a judicial career. Poor! He leaves Guatemala to arrive in Guatepeor, since many Morenistas rightly point out that he who betrays once, always betrays! * * * The capital’s PAN members had already denounced it. But a publication in The New York Times internationalized the scandal in which the “corcholata” Sheinbaum and her carnal prosecutor Ernestina Godoy are involved — who is now not only up for reelection but also to fill the vacancy left by Zaldívar in the SCJN– and Carlos Slim ‘s Telcel company. Among others, the CDMX Prosecutor’s Office ordered the telephone company to record the calls and messages of those whom the then head of Government saw — still sees — as rivals. Write down some of their names: Santiago Taboada, Higinio Martínez Miranda, Horacio Duarte, Lilly Téllez, Alessandra Rojo de la Vega, Dolores Igareda, Ricardo Monreal, Ricardo Amezcuaet al . Old, harmful, and desperate measures such as espionage. * * * In the Official Gazette, the emergency has already been ended in Acapulco and in 46 other municipalities of Guerrero, although the President of the Republic says that only two were affected. There on that paper it was recorded in black ink that Otis was “rain and winds.” Reality refutes these “other data” from AMLO, with which he justifies the meager support for victims, merchants, restaurants, and hoteliers. Public money, you know, is to buy votes and one day finish the Mayan Train, the Olmeca Refinery, the Interoceanic, the moribund Pemex and inject activity into the despised AIFA. * * * Another ambitious man, Samuel García from Monterrey, is about to become the dog with two cakes. If, as he has said, he leaves the position of governor next Sunday to play the sad role of Morena’s palero, he will be absent from the Government Palace for more than six months, so the Congress of Nuevo León will have to call for extraordinary elections to elect a replacement governor. * * * Xóchitl Gálvez is already a formal candidate for the parties led by Marko Cortés and Alejandro Moreno. In both the PAN and the PRI she was received apotheosically and with the promise that she would not be denied support to achieve the presidential goal. * * * And in Morena, meanwhile, the names of the candidates for the governorships of nine entities of the Republic and the decision — let’s see if now — of Marcelo Ebrard on his political future are expected today. He remains, submissive, in the AMLO Movement… or takes flight towards the umpteenth political party in his career. * * * That’s all for today. I wish you, as always, good thanks and many, many days!




Written by pacorodriguez

Periodista. Blande el Índice. Señala. Propone. Journalist. Brandishes the index finger. Points. Proposes.

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