AMLO, stubborn; Sheinbaum, foolish
As for character, they are more alike than they themselves would like. They both share the same quality — or defect — which is determination, obstinacy, or if you like, foolishness and/or even stubbornness.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador ‘s own wife sang “El Necio” to him during his third and final presidential campaign. The author, Silvio Rodríguez , sang it to him and even dedicated it to him in a concert. He himself says that it is his favorite song.
And it also defines it. AMLO, in effect, is a fool.
And being foolish is a virtue when you’re right. But it’s a huge character flaw when you’re wrong.
Claudia Sheinbaum also appears to be obstinate, stubborn and stubborn. She never tires of repeating that “the reform is going ahead,” referring to the one that deforms the Judiciary with the election of ministers, magistrates and judges, a vengeful whim of her predecessor.
All Morena supporters subscribe to the same foolishness, even though they know that the content of the legislation patched together hastily and without thought — without even reading it — suffers from enormous flaws that will make its implementation practically impossible.
The same refrain is repeated by the parliamentary coordinators of the spurious majorities in the Chambers of Congress, Adán López and Ricardo Monreal , in front of the cameras and microphones of the media…
…which, by the president of the Upper House, Gerardo Fernández , in the board of directors of the Senate, which has been turned into a partisan body, stripping it of all institutionality…
…that, by the four-term ministers Lenia Batres, Yasmín Esquivel and Loretta Ortiz in the plenary session of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation…
…and a host of uninformed, fanatic snobs who swarm the social networks.
All in the same foolish tune.
Stubbornness and foolishness prevail.
Why did we vote for a new government on June 2nd if nothing has changed in reality?
Or, as in the classic novel, did he change so that everything would remain as it was?
Let’s see why:
…and everything remains as it was
Don Fabrizio Corbera , Prince of Salina, is the character of Giusepe Tomasi di Lampedusa ‘s famous novel The Leopard , an analysis of the famous concept “if we want everything to remain as it is, everything must change”, intending to interpret the simulated support of the Sicilian aristocracy for revolutionary movements.
In the phrases of The Leopard , more than in a treatise on political science, the arts of compromise and the negotiation of tears and misery are synthesized, all in order to prevent Napoleon and a host of voraciously ambitious bourgeois from entering Italian territory.
The novel shows how the absolutist aristocracy was expelled from political power, with the consent of Don Fabrizio, to establish the parliamentary and liberal monarchy of the Kingdom of Italy, because this did not involve transforming the power structures, but a simple replacement of the elites.
The protagonist expresses his dissatisfaction with the changes that have taken place, comparing the fate of the native aristocracy with that of the peasants: “We are leopards and lions, those who will take our place will be hyenas and jackals. But we will all be considered the salt of the earth.”
There was criticism from left-wing intellectuals as the author portrayed the Sicilian peasantry as “lacking class consciousness” because they were nostalgic for the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and opposed to modernity, having supported Italian unification.
Also because he said that the Sicilian bourgeoisie was only interested in maintaining its privileges.
The same now that Andrés Manuel López Obrador has left power and Claudia Sheinbaum , his successor, maintains the same discourse of the supposed privileges of the ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, which by the way have not been renounced by Loretta Ortiz or Yasmín Esquivel , following the example of the also four-timer Lenia Batres .
Everything changed…
…and everything remains as it was.
What is certain is that since then, leopardism refers to any apparent change or to that which cannot overcome the resistance of the Rule of Law, that which indicates that the ruler can only do what the law authorizes him to do, which leaves no room for the imagination of the chosen one.
Confronting criminal terrorism
Mexico is the common target of traitors. A whole chain of impostors who grab onto any hook to evade their responsibilities. Villains who take advantage of any loophole to attack sovereignty and all hopes.
Lampedusa, the author of the novel, could well have been born in Mexico and if he had been, he would witness the reissue of his novel. A wonderful country in which the only thing that has changed with the transfer of power has been the number of people who sat in the chairs previously occupied by others of equal political commitment. Willing that nothing would change.
Because stubborn reality has insisted that, regardless of who comes, everything remains the same as before. The holders of economic power are still the same, after 200 years of presidential and federal regime. Dynasties, now also political, are suffocating the country.
National anger is growing , the factors of instability are more present than ever, such as drug trafficking, guerrillas, organized crime, executions, vendettas between mafias of all kinds. Mexico is the country of mafias in crime, in public affairs and in social services.
What will happen? We will continue to go backwards until we hit rock bottom, exhaust all hope, bring out frustration, resurface war violence…
Arriving at a community separated, divided and divided by the terrorism of organized crime is the first option.
The second is that everything changes and nothing remains the same.
The opportunity that now presents itself is one of those that everyone paints bald.
It is the first time in many decades that a woman has sat in La Silla de Doña Leonor.
A week after having sworn to respect and enforce the Constitution and the laws that emanate from it, it is time for him to show his courage and shame.
We all wish for the best, before it’s too late… and nothing changes.
At the height of criminal violence, the security strategy of the current federal administration was presented on Tuesday, which, as usual, turned out to be more of the same. * * * My thanks to you who read this far. As always, I wish you good luck and many, many days!