AMLO, outdated anti-Yankee

7 min readAug 28, 2024


The foreign policy of the so-called Fourth Transformation is fickle. The still head of the Mexican State cries out for interference! When leaders, legislators and diplomats give their opinion — always negatively — of the policies of the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador , those that put security and health at risk due to tolerance and /or complicity with drug trafficking.

He, for his part, meddles with those of Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina and, among others, those of Ecuador, which revolve or have revolved in the orbit of narcosocialism of the 21st century to which AMLO is related.

Making common cause with the radical enemies of the United States, such as China and Russia, are purposes that drive the country’s economy to suicide.

The basic ideological content of this foreign policy, deeply anti-Yankee, is now confronted with the open message of the US government, in the voice of its ambassador Ken Salazar , about the risk for relations between the two trading partners, which should lead to a reconsideration. .

But this rectification of tone and content is not going to happen. AMLO does not want to understand the meaning of the new realities, and the powerful psychological stimulus of hatred towards the United States will lead the 4T to increasing confrontations with Washington. Claudia Sheinbaum , if not rectified, will make the entire country suffer.

For López Obrador, anti-Yankeeism is a kind of pleasant poison. It is a poison generated by the inferiority complex that results from the contrast between Yankee power and the fragmentation, weakness, and backwardness of our nations.

This complex leads us to the easy path of attributing all our evils to the United States, instead of trying to move forward with effort and tenacity, without offering the sad spectacle of “anti-imperialist” mental submission.

The worst thing about anti-Yankeeism is not the complex itself, nor the blindness of our analyzes regarding the colossus of the north, nor even the fact that it makes it difficult for us to appreciate the positive aspects of the North American political tradition.

The worst thing about anti-Yankeeism is that it prevents us from adopting a dignified and balanced position before Washington, in harmony with our true interests, which makes a creative exchange possible. A position that does not imply subordination or hatred, supported by the adequate understanding of the reality in which we exist.

The position of AMLO, Sheinbaum and the rest of the Cuatroteros is neither dignified nor intelligent; he is childish.

Prejudices of leftism

The still Mexican leader has not only been doing everything possible to distance himself from the United States, to irritate and provoke them gratuitously, but his attitude prevents Mexico from taking advantage of the opportunities that the new international scenario is opening, considered until not long ago. Washington’s trusted friend.

It is precisely now, at a time when the United States is beginning to harshly confront the dilemmas and challenges of its policies, alliances, and conflicts in the Middle East, that Mexico is offered the perspective of exploring a long-term, meaningful alliance. geopolitical, aimed at guaranteeing North American investments, support, and goodwill towards our country.

We could be much more important to Washington than we are, and derive considerable advantage from it, if we understood our vital interests.

However, this geopolitical vision, which makes a lot of sense for Mexico, collides with the prejudices of anti-Yankee leftism, so deeply rooted among those who lead us, although they are not shared by the people in general, who view the United States and opposes the absurd and harmful Cubanization of our foreign policy.

The anti-Yankee inferiority complex is a corrosive poison, which makes us believe that they will do nothing other than exploit us, the innocent and clueless ‘noble savages’, incapable of assuming the promotion of our interests with intelligence and dignity, subject to barriers. self-imposed by a long tradition of ‘anti-imperialist’ rhetoric.

Worse for us. It is important, however, to be clear about the following: we are facing a new paradigm in contemporary international relations. The differences in which Washington has committed will be long and difficult, there will be defeats and setbacks and the costs will be high; but we can be sure that America will prevail.

Therefore, the political leaders of a country like Mexico, instead of continuing to show signs of immaturity, should clearly assume both their limitations and their potential, and the opportunities that are presented to them in the new global context.


In the US they see it without sizes

AMLO’s anti-Yankeeism corresponds to the view that is held of him in the United States.

A little over a couple of years ago I told you that the Virtual Center for Strategic Economy Policy and Geopolitical Research and Analysis distributed among its subscribers, most of them with the capacity to make decisions in the areas of private investment, a report on AMLO in on the eve of his first visit to the White House, with Joseph Joe Biden already in power:

“Given that AMLO’s level as president is so parochial — says the organization in English, and here I translate it to the best of my abilities –, his national project, if his whims can be called that, is made up of four purposes that They are as unnecessary as they are expensive and out of time…

“…his long-term vision does not go beyond the next elections…

“…his political behavior equates him with his Central American neighbors…

“…the United States government, rightly, places it at the same priority level as Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua.

“For this reason, the president of Mexico is not granted the level of treatment with the president of the United States but, as a courtesy, with Vice President Kamal Harris.”

Such was not an offense to the Mexicans; “just a recognition of the level of its president.”

A level of mediocrity to which López Obrador is dragging us,

Never went to Disneyland

Being actively anti-Yankee is one of AMLO’s behaviors, which he surely adopted in his adolescence, listening to Cuban trovas, admiring Che Guevara and calling Coca-Cola soda “black waters of imperialism.”

He is anti-Yankee not only because of his approach to the Caribbean, Central and South American countries with so-called left-wing authoritarian regimes — which in the end turn out to be more reactionary and violators of human rights than anyone considered right-wing -, also with those others like Russia or even the terrorist group Hamas that in no way align with US policies.

Repeat in his vengeful-comic-musical matinees that our country is sovereign, independent and blah, blah, blah, every time a real journalist questions him about issues such as the gift of oil to the Cuban regime, the conflicts with the United States and with Canada, due to whims in terms of electrical energy or food in the case of transgenic corn, reveals its phobia towards the neighboring country to the north.

Could it be that you have ever applied for a visa to visit Disneyland and been denied by the US government consuls?

The Chiapas native Jorge de la Vega Domínguez — one of the two negotiators of the federal government with the students in the 1968 conflict — is credited with having coined what it means to be a rebel in your youth… but continuing to be one at 40 is a true stupid And AMLO is already over 70.

So, then, with the anti-Yankee López Obrador.

Although every time he has met with a President of the United States, be it Donald Trump or Joseph Biden, he shrinks, sinks into an armchair and shows his inferiority complex.


Just the most recent Friday he showed signs of his outdated anti-Yankeeism, when responding this Friday to Ambassador Ken Salazar, who a day before took a stand against the judicial reform initiative presented by the president so that the election of judges and magistrates is by vote. popular. López Obrador was questioned by one of the paleros who attend his matinees about how a country that has an opinion on “issues that only concern Mexicans” can be called a “friendly government”, to which he responded: For many years, the United States applies an interventionist policy throughout America. He explained that this “interference” occurs from the definition of the Monroe doctrine that establishes “America for Americans,” but that, according to the definition of Mexico’s northern neighbor, America is understood to mean that “it is the United States of America, not the rest of the continent.” He criticized that before his six-year term, when the policies of the United States were followed from Mexico and other Latin American countries, “they decided on the policies in the countries of the continent, they installed and removed presidents at will, they invaded countries, they created protectorates.” . And he went back to national history: “We were invaded twice unjustly in an arrogant manner,” he recalled from the National Palace, also highlighting the loss of a large part of the national territory, as well as that now Mexico “is an independent and sovereign country.” that we are in favor of non-intervention, of the self-determination of peoples.” * * * That’s all for today. My appreciation to you who read up to these lines. As always, I wish you good thanks and many, many days!




Written by pacorodriguez

Periodista. Blande el Índice. Señala. Propone. Journalist. Brandishes the index finger. Points. Proposes.

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