AMLO: “I’m not going to re-elect myself”… but I always do
From apparently civic temples converted into shrines of political silliness in the most remote places of the national geography, always accompanied by state notables, the Caudillo pontificated about his near future. The chant was taking the form of the ridiculous.
I’m not going to fail you, he said, I only make it to 2024, I’m a Maderista, I’m not going to be re-elected, he expectorated. The armed temples, converted into shrines of moral maxims that are never relevant, staged another of the Mexican tragedies. The murderer of himself is the center and the shepherd.
But why do I jump so much when the ground is so even? the attendees asked themselves. Incited by the organizers of the events, they wanted to know the intimate motives of the Caudillo, but that was not the case, he was part of the usual troupe of those who wanted to look good with Andrés Manuel López Obrador .
Among those attending those events, no one wanted to know if he planned to be re-elected. However, he forced himself to make repeatedly, every time he went to hide in the province to waste time and evade his essential obligations, a vow of humility out of tune and out of program. His position was anticlimactic, the tinkling overwhelmed all possibility of sanity.
If the Caudillo did not plan to be re-elected, what is the point of still taking him every day to the public square of oblivion, now dragging with him who will be his successor and, everything indicates, through whom he is going to be re-elected?
It still seems like a paranoid obsession that only flutters in his mind, numbed by the accumulation of unresolved problems. Another way to waste valuable time reduced to a six-year period.
He always repeats the crimes committed by his sad and dark predecessors in the presidential chair. But his crimes against the popular economy, public health, security, and the destruction of the country are taking a backseat and to the “second floor of the Fourth Transformation”, where no one can ask him what is happening in those areas.
And so, while he continues ranting, the national panorama is flooded with the worst possible news. The cascading price increases of popular foodstuffs, the terrible situation of economic indicators, the recurring massacres in the countryside and in the cities populate the panorama that is tinged with innocent blood.
The radical abandonment of the budget in favor of the poor is a present-day roll call in a country that is drowning in improvisation, occurrences, and the errors of those appointed. The limit of barbarism is dangerously close to what could be classified as crimes against humanity.
Re-elected, by intermediaries
Claudia Sheinbaum already has the agenda of everything she will have to do in her first years as head of the Federal Executive Branch. She also to the individuals with whom she will have to carry it out.
Some of the most urgent tasks have already been imposed on López Obrador, since the recent February 5 when he presented a package of 20 initiatives, 18 of them to reform the Constitution, which she has supported without a single word.
A good part of those who will collaborate with her in the so-called presidential cabinet were also imposed on her by López Obrador.
You know the names: Rogelio Ramírez de la O , who will repeat at the Treasury; Marcelo Ebrard , commitment to AMLO for having placed second in the rigged polls to select the presidential candidacy; Juan Ramón de la Fuente , who served the current president as representative to the UN…
… Alicia Bárcena , who still holds the Foreign Relations portfolio; Raquel Buenrostro , still Secretary of Economy; Mario Delgado , controversial leader of the AMLO Movement; Ariadna Montiel , executor of the so-called Wellbeing programs, and Rosa Icela Rodríguez , still in charge of Citizen Security…
…who owe their loyalty to the current President, for having been the one who has given them continuity in Sheinbaum’s cabinet.
The future President has had little room for maneuver and has only been able to sneak in the academic Julio Berdegué , the scientist Rosaura Ruiz , the doctor David Kersehenobich , her former collaborators in the CDMX government Luz Elena González, Edna Elena Vega, Jesús Antonio Esteva and the also controversial former capital prosecutor Ernestina Godoy , who has held positions alongside AMLO when he was head of the government starting in 2000.
If that is not re-election through intermediaries, then what is?
Is Mexico headed for more of the same?
The Tepetitán phenomenon has been an overly expensive experiment, a gamble that has exhausted the Nation, a birlibirloque that many of us believed would be impossible to endure beyond 2024.
And although the Movement has become blurred to unsustainable degrees, and even though the country’s external image is on Latin American and global soils, a colossal electoral fraud repeated the recipe for us.
Do the majority of those who voted for Morena want the protection and shielding that has been made against corruption to continue, which has no parallel in a system that claims to be democratic?
The unique opportunities to crack down on political and organized criminals will not be repeated in such magnificence. The town was damaged by so many unfulfilled promises, by so many failed expectations.
If the Caudillo or his counterparts think that the current weakening of the opposition parties has no remedy, they are completely wrong. No party other than the AMLO Movement has the arrests to catalyze popular disappointment, but as a bloc, in a common front, we all saw what they are capable of, accumulating the regional forces of their memberships.
The morenistas must lower their pride two lines, because the oven is not for buns. Currency devaluation is at hand. Famine is coming galloping. Mexico’s international credit is suffering the ravages of country risk, which for now shows an uncontrollable upward trend. National public health is suffering one of its greatest attacks.
Joseph Biden ‘s shrinking Empire can and will do little to save them once they naively fell into his jaws. The United States is trapped in the desperation of the triple fiscal, financial and economic deficit that has no time. There, too, public trust has suffered an irreparable decline.
Compared to the US, they do not have the arrests
The world now controlled by emerging rich nations — a pole of undoubted development — looks at us with bewilderment and frank distrust, because the Caudillo with his fear of the oranges of the North missed an excellent opportunity to join the concert of serious countries.
Claudia Sheinbaum is in the same vein.
Neither of them has the equipment to play in the big leagues and they submit entirely to the Republican designs of the presidential election in that country. Now we all play with that jacket, and that one is impossible to take off with a single stroke of a pen. All Mexicans are on Donald Trump ‘s barge.
Outside of that, no analyst finds an explanation for the arrogance of ensuring that they will continue to sweep the federal elections, the same in those of 2027 as in those of 2030, that they will continue to have the full bandwagon to turn the popular will into a monumental deception, stained from today by discredit and civic shame.
Outside of that, there can never be re-election, even though the Caudillo has striven in every village adventure to tell all Mexicans that he is proudly Maderista. Because until now, no one believes him, except the beneficiaries of the racket, the favorites ensconced in the ranchero shrine.
“I’m not going to be re-elected,” he said many times…
…but always yes!
In an essay for the Electoral Judicial School of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, the late Fernando de la Peza Berríos and Alexander Reyes Guevara maintain that “the actions of presidents or former presidents who manipulate the right to be elected or elected by trying to to pass it off as a human right and not as an option to a political right; Worse still, they try to legitimize with the decision of ‘the majorities’, violating the Constitution, considered in democratic States as the supreme document that makes possible the legality and sovereignty of any country. Reelection as a human right is a discourse that must be suffocated due to its lack of legitimacy, legality, and congruence with true human rights. The validation of this type of argument is a danger in the maturation of democracy in Latin American countries, because it obeys personal interests and purposes that do nothing to help the development of societies that in the end will be subjected to spheres of power.” * * * And that’s all for today. Please accept my recognition for having read to the end of this text and, as always, my best wishes for good thanks and many, many days!