AMLO does not know how to lose and did not know how to win
For the Manichaean there are no middle terms: you are inside or outside, with me or against me, without half measures or possible reflection.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador is a Manichaean. If you are not with him, if he does not accept the electoral results that he likes and suits… then he threatens, again, to “release the tiger.”
In four-tier politics there are no nuances.
And then, as if they were battalions of the god AMLO, the hitmen of the pen and the microphone, as well as bots and youtubers only at the service of their interests, attack in a pack of jackals against those who, like Xóchitl Gálvez , maintain that Mexico can no longer stand the Morenistas, it has been too much, we are a Nation immersed in a crisis so great that it requires drastic, popular and massive solutions. The dwarfs of the tapanco are angry.
The hitmen of the god of the National Palace are also Manichaeans. They do not accept in any way that these are times for change, to receive the fresh air of freedom and demands in the face, to aspire for everyone to be educated and eat, even. For them, everything must continue the same, with the same lies, with the same clothes.
The government radio and television studios — they are no longer state-owned — are elitist and exclusive, because they cannot tolerate a single awkward person who comes to spoil the jackals’ party. When it happens, they display all their low spirits, they thunder loudly against those who try to put everyone on the bandwagon of fortune. Because this is theirs, only theirs, a few.
“The tiger” is out of control
But neither AMLO nor his four men have realized that “the tiger” no longer responds to him. The Tabasco native also failed in that. Their strategy of “hugs and not bullets” was surpassed when the criminals felt truly unpunished, knowing that they could do anything without paying any consequences.
Murderers, kidnappers, extortionists, hitmen who should not be declared war, much less detained and prosecuted, but rather who should be “accused by their parents and grandparents” … because “they also have human rights.”
This is how, since he came to occupy — with troops and all — the National Palace, AMLO unleashed the “tiger.” The same violent animal that he announced in case he lost the 2018 elections again.
He doesn’t know how to lose. He didn’t know how to win either.
Veiled or not, their threats aim to keep citizens from going to the polls. To keep people in their homes, fearing that, when they go to the polling station, they may throw the head of a human being, or that the ballot boxes are guarded by hitmen, or…
It is not invention. The citizens of the territorial West already suffered from it in 2021, as I told you here several times.
That is why the Morena candidates “won” the governorships and parliamentary majorities in Baja California, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Colima, Michoacán and, in the East, Tamaulipas.
Now add an escalation of car fires and assaults on businesses as those of Tabasco, Chiapas and, of course, those of Guerrero have experienced in entities lacking government, already in the hands of organized crime.
AMLO released the tiger because he knows he is at an electoral disadvantage. It has already been said many times: your candidate Claudia Sheinbaum does not catch on. Her voice was tired of her. The constant repetition of what the still President says in his matinees. The lies that she has already started telling make her unviable for the majority. She reached the top of her in surveys paid for with treasury resources and already began to fall.
Meanwhile, her opponent, the opposition candidate The Hidalgo native’s star shines brighter every day.
And to all this add the mistakes that the liar from Palacio also makes day in and day out. His attacks on those who do not think like him, which were initially neglected, are now a cause for concern.
His impositions on the legislative bodies, which are then challenged in the Court, are also gross errors that present him not only as authoritarian, but the worst thing is that he is also ignorant, as the Argentine president Javier Milei rightly said.
The little value of his word, by not fulfilling commitments; the same as their deadly attacks against the population by depriving them of medicines and regular medical services; the atrocious debt that future generations will pay not only with dollars, but also with the lack of services; the militarization of the country, and the corruption that, hand in hand with impunity, will characterize this six-year term like those that the country already suffered under Miguel Alemán, Carlos Salinas and Enrique Peña .
A fascist in the Palace
During the almost 50 years that I have been writing about politics, its chores and entertainment, I have never encountered a character who concentrated so much power, complete with so much irresponsibility, carelessness, and lack of commitment as AMLO.
And it is that, when excess power concentrates too many powers without counterpart, without compensation in the obligatory consequences of command; When this is carried out in the shadows, in a structure of comfort that is not obliged to referendum or consent, everything can be expected!
The unaware exercise of power, without a foundation of knowledge, without adequate preparation, without “measuring the rebounds”, de-ideologized, only aimed at satisfying the unbridled whims of the crook in turn, gives rise to all the threats of the end. of history, for an old and close maxim to appear:
“Here there are no statutes or rules; “The State is always right… the people must be poor.” Such was the motto of ordinary fascism, the one that occurred during a large external debt, triggering a terrifying inflation that proletarianized the small and medium middle class, made workers lose purchasing power, demotivated the population and generated fierce unemployment.
When all power is concentrated in a solitary little man who does not have the slightest contact with public opinion, nor with popular representatives, nor with any external judgment that implies reconsideration of decisions, we are obviously facing a stark fascist power.
And the fascists release “tigers”!
Because they don’t know how to lose. They don’t know how to win either.
Dazed, he wanders the country’s highways and airports with the absolute certainty that upon arriving at any more or less respectable population center, from Tijuana to Chetumal, he will encounter a demonstration of discontent, so many that they already reach levels of concern for your security in all areas. That’s why he stopped traveling on commercial airplanes. But he continues wandering the country’s roads, kicking the can down the road, wearing out soles, believing that his presence wins followers over his unpresentable candidates for all positions of popular representation. Convinced that he inflames crowds with his misguided verbs. The only thing he does is amass a discontent that every day takes on the overtones of a lynching. Like that of Taxco in ungoverned Guerrero, this Holy Thursday, for the kidnapping and brutal murder of Camila, an innocent girl of just eight years old.