AMLO, anti-Yankee
Which of all his unresolved childhood and youth traumas keeps Andrés Manuel López Obrador stuck in the past?
His political behavior reveals that, despite his position as head of the capital government, his tours throughout the country in three successive presidential campaigns, and his current position as head of the Federal Executive have not allowed him to mature.
And, according to experts, the cause of being trapped far from the present is always related to an unsatisfactory resolution of a more or less traumatic event.
The psychologist Damián Murga points it out clearly:
“When we talk about being stuck in the past we can understand it from two points of view, a more conscious one that has to do with memory and an unconscious one that has to do with the repetition of certain behaviors.”
Being actively anti-Yankee is one of AMLO’s behaviors, which he surely adopted in his adolescence, listening to Cuban trovas, admiring Che Guevara and calling Coca-Cola soda “black waters of imperialism.”
He is anti-Yankee not only because of his approach to the Caribbean, Central and South American countries with so-called left-wing authoritarian regimes — which in the end turn out to be more reactionary and violators of human rights than anyone considered right-wing -, also with those others like Russia or even the terrorist group Hamas that in no way align with US policies.
Repeat in his electoral-comic-musical matinees that our country is sovereign, independent and blah, blah, blah, every time a real journalist questions him about issues such as the gift of oil to the Cuban regime, the conflicts with the United States and with Canada, due to whims in terms of electrical energy or food in the case of transgenic corn, reveals its phobia towards the neighboring country to the north.
Could it be that you have ever applied for a visa to visit Disneyland and been denied by the US government consuls?
The Chiapas native Jorge de la Vega Domínguez — one of the two negotiators of the federal government with the students in the 1968 conflict — is credited with having coined what it means to be a rebel in your youth… but continuing to be one at 40 is a true stupid.
So, then, with the anti-Yankee López Obrador.
Although every time he has met with a President of the United States, whether Donald Trump or Joseph Biden, he shrinks.
Isn’t it a little bit?
The 4T, like Hamas
For a few days now I have been reflecting on the many coincidences that the so-called Fourth Transformation has with the terrorist group Hamas.
In all proportions, both have murdered children, young people, and adults.
In full force and with weapons of all kinds, there in the Middle East.
With a political calculation called “austerity”, here since 2019, due to the lack of medicines, the terrible or even non-existent provision of medical and hospital services…
But also, for “the hugs and not the bullets” that have left thousands and thousands of Mexicans of all ages defenseless at the hands of criminal groups that also use even high-powered weapons for their purposes.
Hamas and the 4T also use kidnapping.
There, to the Palestinian population whom it uses as a shield against the bombings by the government of Benjamin Netanyahu in retaliation for its cunning attack in the early hours of October 7, and of course to the Israeli hostages and other nationalities — including two Mexicans — to use them as negotiation instruments.
Here, to the chairos and amlovers who are made to believe that the financial aid they receive is due to the generosity of AMLO who takes money from his own pocket…
…and, of course, also by the kidnapping of autonomous constitutional bodies, especially those related to transparency and accountability…
… plus, the legislators whom he orders that his crazy initiatives be approved without changing a single comma.
Hamas spreads terror.
AMLO keeps Mexico immersed in the terror of not knowing what is going to happen to him tomorrow.
Don’t you believe?
They were in a vegetative state or, at the very least, in suspended animation. But, finally! after more than two years, the INE advisors woke up, reacted, and ordered the favored “corcholata” Claudia Sheinbaum to stop holding public, massive, outdoor events and to instead take them to carried out in closed areas and only with the militants of the López Obrador Movement. Good morning, counselors! * * * AMLO was also asleep for several days and, finally, this Tuesday he referred to the two compatriots that Hamas is holding. It was not motu proprio, but rather a question from one of the few journalists who are accepted at their matinees. * * * Badly and badly our Maximum House of Studies. Eduardo López Betancourt, dismissed in 2022 as president of the UNAM University Court after being linked to sexual harassment proceedings, announced that he won a protection and will be able to return to the institution. * * * There are those who claim that AMLO’s only daily activity is his matinee. Who usually does not even attend the security cabinet meetings that, they say, take place in the National Palace at 6 in the morning. And after having a sumptuous lunch on his T diet (tamales, tacos, toast, cakes, etc.), he takes a long nap to recover from his morning work that starts at 7 in the morning. And it is he who dares to say that the workers of the Judiciary do not work. The world upside down. * * * The uninformed protagonismo of the four-party deputy Hamlet García Almaguer — Titino of his ventriloquist López Obrador — was evidenced after criticizing that the Judiciary “puts its budget sub-exercises into trusts.” And before that “Mtra. Dimpna Gisela gave a master class on spending and budgeting. In summary: It is a lie that the Judiciary transfers sub-exercises to trusts. He explained to her the difference between savings, economies, and sub-exercises, so she could learn to differentiate. The Judiciary always returns the sub-exercises to the Ministry of Finance. Only once did he transfer savings to the reform implementation trust because the deputies did not fulfill their obligation to provide resources for the labor justice reform. In 2022, the Judiciary generated savings of 2,895.7 million pesos of savings and returned them to the Ministry of Finance. What did Morena do with that money?”, according to a post on the social network This is the case of the authority's seeking justice in the country who managed to get the US ATF to arrest Armando Escárcega, alias El Patrón, accused of being the intellectual author of the fortunately failed attack against colleague Ciro Gómez Leyva, on December 15 of the previous year. Eight months have passed since that unfortunate event, but it is reported that the alleged criminal will soon be extradited to Mexico. !! Congratulations!! * * * And that’s all for today. I wish you, as always, good thanks and many, many days!