AMLO and sons have in Pemex another loot

6 min readJan 13, 2024


The corruption of the Fourth Transformation, headed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador and his three senior offspring, has become synonymous with Mexican misfortune.

The catastrophe that destroys even the foundations of the country. A scourge that arrived suddenly, transformed into a catastrophe by a gang of Tabasco residents without a job or benefit, formed to put an end to every vestige of honesty.

And yet there are those who believe that it is exaggerated when corruption is pointed out as the main burden of the country and of Morena. However, the proof that it is is the revelations of the Latinus platform and the book El Rey del Cash by researcher Elena Chávez: AMLO has been living for decades thanks to many corrupt acts.

But there are still more signs that prove the assertion that corruption is the country’s main problem. There are the official statements officially recognizing that the country’s great wealth, based around energy, tourism, and agricultural assets, traditionally generators of foreign currency, have lost their importance in the major national accounts.

The bankruptcy of the “State productive company”, as the structural reforms called Pemex, plus the excessive abuses within the tourist facilities, the sloppiness in the commercialization of the land and the drug trafficking operating on the country’s emblematic beaches, the huachicoleo and contracting, have ruined the two strategic pieces of Mexican development.

‎To the misfortune of this and future generations, relegated agricultural production, paralyzed industrial plants and commercial activities in foreign hands and in secret societies, plus inflation, the absence of jobs and the generalized theft of public budgets, have prostrated to the country.

Today, the remittances sent after Herculean efforts by migrants in the United States, originally expelled by the disastrous economic system and corruption, bear the burden of the heavy march of the national economy.

The amount of remittances from migrants has long surpassed oil production, tourism, and tax collection, frivolizad and disrupted. A global shame, even more so when it is added that between these external resources and the liquid money that circulates, the majority product of the transfer of narcotics, the entire buying and selling and marketing apparatus moves. Especially when the beneficiaries of the 4T leave the displaced to their fate.

Not only do we professional communicators say this, exercising an obligation threatened and sentenced to death from the watchtowers of the offended bureaucrats and repressors who add more victims to their catalog every day, they accept it themselves, by it is materially impossible to continue hiding it. They have been surpassed by stupidity and the crude Mexican reality.

4T governors also loot

Corruption disqualifies any national effort, destroys business and labor initiative, corrupts the fundamental structures of the country, nullifies all action, inflames impoverished society, and disqualifies from the outset any international agreement or business that pursues investments or benefits for the governed.

AMLO’s four-timers instill fear in foreign companies, due to their excessive voracity in the commissions they demand, due to the cheating in the awards, due to the lack of a word regarding the commitments that are made, due to the constant stalking to assault them, in the field. of gambling or with the traps that are laid out for them from the Stock Exchange in the hands of scoundrels, corrupt people of all kinds.

‎No one thinks in terms of transparency, much less in a national project that dignifies the country. Everyone is dedicated to fleecing and hindering him. Corruption drives away any entrepreneur and mediates any worker leader through bribery. In the States of the Federation all the bad arts that are exemplified from the center of power are reproduced.

JR, Andy & Bobby “coyotes” of the oil company

‎The oil industry, once the pride of national independence, has been practically destroyed. It no longer functions as a pharaonic subcontracting office for foreign companies “coyoted” by AMLO’s children, because they distrust them.

‎The extreme bankruptcy of Pemex has caused the importance of the oil company to be replaced by small businesses originating from talacha concessions, which it has not been able to carry out either.

And the commissions that AMLO’s children demand through their grooms go beyond the voracity, the madness of someone who has never had and is beginning to have.

‎Like everything in the oil industry is a chain of coyotes, the brothers José Ramón (a) El JotaErre, Andrés Manuel (a) El Andy , and Gonzalo (a) El Bobby — thus nicknamed among themselves, as in criminal gangs — they operate in all areas of the national oil creek and even outside it, importing large quantities of fuel with a single permit, already wrinkled and yellowed by age. It is only one and they have used it at will. They are huachicoleros, then.

But they also intervene in collections, with stratospheric commissions of up to 30 percent,

And although intermediation replaces any ingenuity or work creativity, the López Beltrán brothers are intermediaries in Pemex for everything or almost everything. They have enthroned themselves at the top of a productive economy that has lost even its name and all shame.

‎It is proven that in Mexico it is more legal to be a coyote than a producer. Intermediaries are protected against all eventualities. This happens in all areas of the national structure. In oil, in the countryside, in commerce, in government purchases, in the transfer of drugs, in the interweaving of influences to twist all wills and hands.

It is a harmful and retarding chain that is ending all hope. It is already the tombstone that will fall on Morena on June the 2nd.

You will surely see it.


The newness of politicians like Marko Cortés, who serves as the PAN’s office manager, is immeasurable. Not only was he “chamaqueado” by the young governor of Coahuila, Manolo Jiménez, who got the support of the blue and whites — minimal, but support nonetheless — to triumph in the recent electoral process and when it came time to fulfill them, he backed down with a condition that was not reflected in the document that Cortés shamelessly displayed online. The worst “chamaqueada”, however, was having put the terms of the agreement in writing, which has provoked mockery even from AMLO. Such agreements have always existed and will exist, but they are never put in black and white. Or does anyone know the content of what Morena agrees with the PVEM and the PT? * * * The INE already has an “empress advisor.” She is omnipotent. The other ten councilors no longer have a say when it comes to making appointments within the body. Guadalupe Taddei, who has all the “nobles” of her family in public positions, can now do and undo, thanks to the fact that Mónica Soto, who together with the Felipes (De la Mata and Fuentes) recently stormed the presidency of the Electoral Tribunal, was the “fairy godmother” who granted such powers to His Electoral Highness. Are we going straight to a state election because Morena has already captured the administrative and jurisdictional bodies with Mrs. Taddei and Soto? Obvious, really. * * * We must not take our finger off the line: Violence in Morelos has reached unprecedented levels, affecting the entire society. Given this scenario and the electoral times, the crucial question arises: Do we want to continue down the same path? The way in which Margarita González became a candidate for Morena, without an open and transparent process, speaks of a pact with the current governor, Cuauhtémoc Blanco, suggesting the possibility of more of the same. The relationship between the candidate and the governor hints at continuity in the management of the state, perpetuating the current crisis. It is essential that the people of Morelos evaluate whether they want to stay the course in the same hands or seek real change. * * * In less than 24 hours Ulises Lara, in charge of the Prosecutor’s Office in CDMX and former partner of “the President’s Minister” Lenia Batres, obtained a fake degree in Law. The SEP in the hands of the “revolutionary” and “impeccably honest” Leticia Ramírez Anaya registered it immediately. That’s Morena! That’s brave honesty! That’s the 4T! They have no shame whatsoever! * * * The “beer exposure” of Congressman Jorge Álvarez Máynez will go down in the annals of Mexican-style political picaresque. It will be the most that MC’s still pre-candidate for the Presidency will achieve. He will not even be able to take votes from the true opposition that is nominating Xóchitl Gálvez. * * * Like every year, ambassadors and consuls of Mexico met in the country’s capital to receive guidelines on what to disseminate in their destinations about the country’s progress. But this time the meetings became a kind of indoctrination in which the secretaries of the Presidential Office, such as Luisa María Alcalde, dedicated themselves to proselytizing in favor of Morena. Waste of time for those who should continue enjoying their vacation. * * * And that’s all for today. Thank you for reading and paying attention to this text. And as always, I wish you good thanks and many, many days!




Written by pacorodriguez

Periodista. Blande el Índice. Señala. Propone. Journalist. Brandishes the index finger. Points. Proposes.

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